First off; Shouldn't this go in the NV section? :huh:
Secondly; I'll give you a straight run-down.
When you enter Goodsprings, I suggest doing the towns quest as it is an easy way to earn basic gear and reputation. After, do NOT take the back route to New Vegas (Damn Cazadores.. Wish someone had told me

) Head to Primm as suggested and just follow the Main Questline. Whenever you feel your read, stray from the main path and start doing side-quests.
If you want the DLC, now would be the time to get them. 2.99 a pop, which is a killer price. Honest Hearts can be completed around level 15-20, Dead Money around 25.
Other then the perspective change, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself. You'll recognize a few faces, such as the NCR, Brotherhood of Steel, Great Khans, and so forth.
Can't say much other then that.