i want teleporting bullets, a gun with a better link to HELIOS ion cannon, and just for kicks a magazine fed medium grenade launcher in 40mm and a precision plasma beam weapon as opposed to caustic green
these are things i would love to have but likely would not ever be in the game even in owb but cool to talk about anyway
First, thank you for threading something other than, @#$%^^& July 19th you have to be @#$%^& kid'ng, @#$%^&! @#$%^&!!!!
It has been very disappoining to say the least.
Next chapter!
Teleporting bullets would be freak'n awesome, however, from a developmental point of view...with this engine...NO!!!!!!!!!!
Now, your second recommendation "a better link to HELIOS ion cannon" I like. The problem... it is GLITCHED every time (XBOX user) unless you exploited the AMMO. At least for me anyway. I hope B and O should fix the problem in the next patch, hopeful, fingers crossedl! Damn, I gave up a BIG BOOK OF SCIENCE for it!!!! There goes my perfect game...
Third/Fourth, now you want "a magazine fed medium grenade launcher in 40mm and a precision plasma" well of course that would be F'N AWESOME. Santa what happened... cries in pillow case, and I am sure the PC pro's are laughing at at me/us right now as "them" think. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Well I am 40+ sssss/o, and do not have the time to MOD and pussipulate ( I know that is a dig

:) the S@&T out of multiple characters. I will in 15 years, freedom 55, LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL.....but that will be FALLOUT 7 (BERGMAN U BETTER BE APART OF THIS OR I WILL HUNT U DOWN AND PAY U GROSS AMOUNTS OF $$$ TO MAKE IT HAPPEN 4 ALL OF US... just try me... Yes, I said FALLOUT F'N 7 as I will buy it then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
What me worry!