love the sound of getting Married..i reakon this will be very amusing!
Bar fights sound great lol.
I'm really not disappointed at all.I think it's going to be the best game i've EVER played. I appreciate it has been made for console and ported to PC (PC gamer here)but i think the PC version will be sweet.(As it will be on the consoles too)
I will admit though, i would LOVE to see more Dx11 features being used.I am a graphics junky and i'm first to admit it,i think amazing graphics really help with imersion.
Decisions Bethesda have made regarding leaving things out or changing the odd thing here and there don't worry me atall. I have complete faith that they know what they'er doing. Look at me as brown nosing if you like ,but thats honestly what i think. Sure the game won't be perfect...but it will be better than any other game out there

But please (pretty please) add some more Dx11 goodness

Hope you all enjoy the game as much as i will ! :celebration:
(Edit)sorry the last part of my thread went a little off topic)