I'm new to the forums, and i figured i should contribute somehow

So here is what i didn't like in the announcements so far, and (to contribute) what i believe should be done, probably in the next games because it's too late for this one.
1 - Skyrim feels like a expansion of oblivion and not a new game
I can't help but feel that we are using Oblivion as a base, using a different area (Nordic this time), adding Dragons and hope that makes a success story. I know there appear to be other changes i know, but none of them are too significant that you would go like, "wow, now that's something new". Of course it's still early and we know little about the game, but this is my opnion so far and i honestly hope it changes. I've liked that dragons change the environment when they fall, leaving a trail for example, but if you read the fan interview, that is usually limited. They are not going to fall on a city on on top of a building unless it was scripted on a specific case. I honestly don't care if that was an area where there were quests, it would be awesome if everyone got their houses destroyed and the NPC were in the streets instead of their homes. I prefer this dynamism even if you loose quests for example. Of course this is all too difficult to develop so we are probably just going to see these changes in controlled scenarios. Note for the future: randomness and world impact is a plus not a minus.
2 - Item variations seem little
Still related with the previous point, recent announcements said that the armor and weapons have been redesigned to hav ea nordic style but little else. I would love to see new things, such as offhand weapons like powerful books, or artifacts you can hold for power, different weapons like morning stars, fails, crossbows, halberds etc. Even if they do the same as swords and bows they LOOK different, for some people variety makes a world's difference. I liked the epic / rare weapons announcement for example. More of that would be nice.
3 - Character choice plays little influence in the world and story
From what has been answered in interviews they are saying that your race / faction / morality / genre has an impact in some quests but it's not that significant. I would like to see a HEAVY influence. I remember the icewind dale game where playing a Dark Elf was DAMN HARD! because most of the encounters you had in the world always showed you how must distrust was in that particular race. Here i totally disagree with what has been said. I would prefer to see a game where some parts are blocked (cities where i'm not welcomed, where prices are higher) and quests i can't do, then to see a world where it doesn't matter if i'm going into a human-only city, and even being the only reptile everyone is unsurprised and greets me like everyone else. Changes in environment and NPCs are welcomed in my opinion. I would love to see a mob running after my Khajiit because Khajiit are usually thieves and someone stole something...
4 - More environment interactivity
I would love to see how the objects around me can be used in a fight for example. For example if an enemy drives his sword through a tree it get's stuck, if you try to fire a bow in the water it won't work, i could use a fireball to burn a tree to fall on top of someone, use telekinesis to send rocks at enemies etc. I guess these are probably not very good examples, but my point is that sword play and magic are getting old in games, it's time to re-invent it and make it more real. I would love to see some aspects of that in Elder Scrolls games.
5 - Companions more complex
Having companions could be much more complex and that's something i would like to see as well, assuming they already have their own quests and personality, and that you could decide what items you would give them (fallout 3 mode) we could evolve that and make them more active. I'm tired of seeing a guy that follows you everywhere and never reacts to what you do. I would love to see him starting a conversation before you do or getting angry at someone. He could lead in some quests and you are the companion that would be nice as well.
6 - More different environments
From what as been said i'm afraid that most cities will look Nordic which would be very very bad. I still remember when in Morrowind you would get to a new area and the buildings were so different architecturally that you would spend a long time just looking a roofs and walls of houses that looked like giant mushrooms instead of actually playing. That was really nice! There was an expectation to reaching a new area, reaching a new city, you never knew what culture you would find there. Even if you have snow and forest areas it's definitely not the same. It takes a lot of development effort to make those models and textures and everything but in the end i believe diversity pays off.
In conclusion i believe the game should have more dynamic mechanics and more variables so that it appears to be an actual evolution of the elder scrolls games and not just another Oblivion spin off (like fallout was).
Let me know what you feel about these points and what you would like to see new or improved in Skyrim.