Let's work it like this to avoid extremely long replies, I'll lead you follow (and feel free to add things that I have not):
A brief description also helps

Race: I am leaning towards the good old Dark Elf as that was the first race I've ever played with in the ES series and I've grown quite fond of them.
Class: Warrior/Mage (Battlemage if you will), now that we can equip a sword in one hand and a spell in another, I feel this has the potential to be the most intriguing fighting style.
Play-style: I have always been the rush in and kill everything, ask questions later type of player. But with the new AI engine, I feel I may look for alternative routes this time.
Noble/Evil: Noble for the first play through, I always get a better sense of gratification from being the "good" guy.
Light/Heavy Armor: This will rely on how the two types react. I like the agility of light armor, but the protection of heavy. TBD I guess.
Ranged/Melee/Mixture: Mixture (see Class explanation)
That's all I can think of for the moment. Feel free to fire away.