To comment on "The British Supermutant" aka "Splicer" one particular comment of what they would look like was given... I'd like to give another and see what you all like of it.
Splicers are more politically called "Anthromorphs" or "Anthropomorphics". Though some of you who know what an "Anthro" is in the world, and hope to god that this game doesn't go to a furry stand point, I'll try my hardest to keep it from getting to that.
Splicers are tall, top-heavy and muscular. Most suffer from a superiority complex and reduced mental statistics. The principal or base genetic splice that they possess dictates their overall appearance. Their ears and faces may appear feline (cat) or lupine (wolf/dog) or ursine (bear)... possibly vulpine(fox). This is their principal attribute cluster, dictating the major pluses and minuses their traits. Cats are intelligent, wolves are charismatic, bears are strong, vixens are cunning or something like that. I'd like to have one principal breed for every Special attribute, but nevertheless, Splicers will have skills and abilities that can and will exceed the human maximums of 10.
Additional genes that are packed away into the Splicers either from eating raw (uncooked) meats, can possibly cause permanent bonuses to their breed. Also, genetic packages can be found in the form of special chems, and even the romantic sixual encounter can add to those possible increases. What's more, if you get the cannibal traits, after you kill a guy you can feed from his strength. Very evil mind you, but it's the easy way to do it.
As such, all Splicers get bonuses to unarmed combat via teeth and claws. Cats would have a pounce, bears would have a maul, rams would have a charge and so on... while foxes, especially the female kind, get charismatic options like Cherez la Femme (sp?).
A final measure to splicers is how they react to Radiation. Splicers FEED off radiation. The more they absorb the stronger their primary traits are, and the weaker their secondary traits are. The heal faster, grow stronger, which is a boon to keep one's radiation at a certain point, but raise your Radiation levels too high... you go feral, and you loose the game.
A chem, as I listed in the previous thread, actually jolts you with a boost of radiation. Useful for mages and ghouls, for Splicers they literally grow larger, stronger and have the possibility to go berserk. But as radiation goes up, your size increases from human sized to tall, large, extra large and behemoth. Just like you can't enter buildings with certain vehicles like motorcycles and frames, a behemoth not only frightens people, but good luck getting inside places. Likewise, you go behemoth inside a tight enclose area? You're dead!
Secondary attributes and abilities are picked up as you advance. Techniques and skills like track by scent (perception increase), Heavy fur (insulation increase), Hide (damage threshold increase) and so on, are abilities picked up through the game.
Splicers are like Ghouls. Not really accepted and are considered freakish and monstrous. Most just slink away with their tail between their legs away from Humans, but some take it a bit personal. This allows for another minor faction of Splicers out there, mainly tribal, possibly another companion. I imagine another sort of "Dog" only he's a dog splicer. Not very bright, but remarkably strong and loyal.
"I have just met you but I love you. I was just... SQUIRREL! ... ... Hi there!"