Was playing F:NV without a hitch, saved, exited, when steam popped up (as it does after i quit any steam game), and i noticed that Honest Hearts and Dead Money were on offer. So i though, why not?
Installed, played again, all good fun. But the next time i saw a coyote, it was just a large red exclamation mark. I assume the textures have been.... misplaced.
Now, i play with mods, sure. But none of them (should) effect Coyotes. Even starting a clean game with no mods = no coyotes.
I dont really feel like having to reinstall everything - But at this point, that seems to be the only option (and NO, i cant just ignore them. Major OCD here, lol.

Any ideas, guys? Even mods that add in new textures for coyotes, or remove coyotes altogether? Ive looked, but cant find any. I would post in the New Vegas Mod Detectives thread, but im not sure mods like this exist.
Thanks in advance, guys.