There is a thread about this almost every week, (learn to use the "Search" function) and we always come to the same conclusion...
It's not going to happen.Bethesda is not going to waste time on reformatting an old game like this, and most certainly are not going to spend the massive amount of needed resources/time to redo all the graphics and code.
They still make money from Steam and Impulse sales (for the PC) and the PC modding community has made vast improvements already.
With new tools like MGE, MWSE, and the Code Patch, modders are finding new ways to have fun and to update the graphics/gameplay.
I don't see why Bethesda would spend all the resources making a new version, when the modders have already remade the game on PC.

edit: I should also mention that are currently three separate projects that are re-building the game code from scratch. (OpenMW, Aedra, and Crystal Scrolls)
But they are still years away from being done.