and i push the pots down and no matter what order i designate as my 1 2 3 and 4 nothing happens
what po should i start with / end with ?? the 1 closest to teh tv and chair if pressed 1st goes beep but if pressed again goes beep beep beep beep and if i make the clockwise way as my 2 and middle as my 3 still nothing if i go counter clock wise still nothing if i make clock wise 1 and then counter clockwise 3 so teh 1 directly acorss from teh 1st 1 i pres 4 still nothing ....
and on another side quest thing in pointlookout where is the other lightbuilb for the light house ??? i found one i na truck and went directly to the lighthosue and palced it (so shiny ^.^) but hwere is the other one ???
3. has any one besides me been ambushed by 4 raiders 2 of which had enclave power amour and plasma rifles and the other 2 wearign enclave power armour helmets one wit ha laser rifle the otehr with a flamer o.0 ???
this just happend to me and it was very dark but vats said they raiders there dead bodies say tehre raiders they have raider weapons but enclave gear the one with the flamer had an raider archlight helm and the one with the rifle had raider adventurer gear or osmething (i went back to the wasteland after giving up on the quest with the pots ... ill go back when i find out how to enter the code) (ambush did not happen in PLO otherwise i would of been like WTH all over the place)