Who actually wanted Athletics and Acrobatics?

Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:31 pm

I liked both skills, though I admit they didn't have a whole lot of relevance to the gameplay. They were fun though! It was fun to run through the forests at breakneck speeds, hopping from stone to stone. Athletics also made it possible to be evasive in combat, and sometimes it was neat to use acrobatics to avoid tough enemies by jumping where they couldn't reach you. I'm not crushed that they're gone, but I'm definitely looking forward to the mod that brings them back. :celebrate:
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:37 am

I'm not crushed that they're gone, but I'm definitely looking forward to the mod that brings them back. :celebrate:

Are they gone though?

They said everything is basically still in the game, they just moved em' around, was this included in that? (ie, like, no more intelligence, because you can directly increase magicka, etc,.)

I'm hoping they somehow still exist, otherwise every character will always be the same, right? Why should my speedy mage, move just like your lumbering Nord warrior, etc,.

(This was a big tactic I used in MW, my mages couldn't fight head on very well, so I would jump straight up like 500+ feet, and bombard the area with massive spells, or use speed buffs to shoot across the screen, cast an attack, then run somewhere else, to keep distance between me and warriors, etc,. Lot's of tactics for surviving would be lost, especially if they don't bring back levitation, jump, slowfall, etc,. I would prefer better AI to account for this, than just removing it, like, there, all balanced, ala Oblivion.)

Besides, I don't think it's unfair to levitate above warriors and take em' out via spells, that's realistic, if a warrior took on a mage, who can fly, that's pretty much how it would go down. That's why mages are so powerful, that's the point, as well. (So I'd rather see em' try to use bows to shoot me down, etc,. Or simply realizing they're outclassed and fleeing, etc,. I'd let em' live, mostly..)
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:46 pm

jumping up and down was the best feature in oblivion.

...as was the whole running thing.
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:42 pm

Well it certainly beat the boring combat, broken magic, and half-baked stealth. :flamethrower:

Ehh, that was a bit of a tangent, sorry. SKYRIM's GONNA BE AWESOME!
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:57 pm

Personally I would of wanted to see a Merge of these systems into a more environmentally benefitial system, one of things that bugged me about Acrobatics and Athletics was that they had very little use in both Morrowind and Oblivion, however they could of been used to a better degree in Skyrim. Since its mostly rugged mountains, and steep steppes, etc. a incorporation of both the Atheletic / Acrobatics skill into something like a Finesse Skill would of been perfect, like at 25 you take less damage from falls, at 50 you can make ledge grab attempts & gain Danger Sense (Where if your running like in the original trailer and the computer notices your about to drop from a certain height and you hit the ground you will die, it will basically stop you with your arms dangling and your foot steps coming to a screeching hult as you look over the ledge), at 75 you can a permenant 50% bonus to your maximum default Sprint Stamina, and at like 100 you jump 25% higher, 25% Longer, and run 10% Faster than normal. With each point increase giving you a better breath under the water, a slightly better stamina while sprinting, and a bit reduced fall damage from certain heights.

Without these skills Im almost afraid to ask what happens if I fall off a not so steep ledge verses a steep ledge.

But I am actually feeling better now that the Speed Attribute is gone, too me that Attribute made no sense, Agility and Speed should have gone hand and hand from the beginning.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:07 am

Because most people rarely got acrobatics above 50 unless they made a point of it. You very, very rarely had an actual need to jump in Oblivion.
i disagree to an extent. while there was no need to jump, its rather fun to with the impossibly floaty jump of oblivion(and when coming from a game where jumping is a necessity to win its a habit). plus, the higher your acrobatics was, the less fall damage you took and less fatigue was drained. i personally was jumping a from rooftop to rooftop as much as possible.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:57 am

I'm a freaking ninja. Speed and agility-concerning abilities are a must.... IDK how I'm gonna figure out how to make myself all freaking stealthy and ninja-like, but I'll do it somehow....
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:52 pm

Wouldn't you rather feel like a part of the world you're playing in, instead of feeling like some kid who found a cheat code that lets you outrun everything? The previous ES games were classic, but it doesn't mean nothing about them was bad. Let's keep the stupid aspects out of Skyrim.

im not bothered about them at all, actualy glad to be rid of them
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:18 am

Wouldn't you rather feel like a part of the world you're playing in, instead of feeling like some kid who found a cheat code that lets you outrun everything? The previous ES games were classic, but it doesn't mean nothing about them was bad. Let's keep the stupid aspects out of Skyrim.

How often did you run away in Oblivion? How often did anybody do it? I have perhaps run away from enemies five times in 1000 hour played.

Main reason for not doing it is that at low levels you are to slow and at high levels you are so strong you can just as well kill the enemy.
Only known exploit I have heard about is to run all the way up to the sigil towers and take the stone as a way to close many oblivion gates.

Argumentation failure
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:45 pm

I disliked the super fast running because it made horses obsolete. However I liked being able to jump really far, I have dreams like that all the time, where I can jump so far it's almost like I'm flying. That said though, I think both of them were overdone (in Oblivion) to the point where it imbalanced the game and I'm glad they're dialing these things back to make combat more of a challenge

Horses in Oblivion was obsolete because they was dangerous to use, So fun to get a couple of mountain lions chasing your horse.

And yes the jumping was fun, still miss the fortify jump effect in Morrowind, fun to be able to jump over Vivec the city not the god.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:48 pm

How often did you run away in Oblivion? How often did anybody do it? I have perhaps run away from enemies five times in 1000 hour played.

Main reason for not doing it is that at low levels you are to slow and at high levels you are so strong you can just as well kill the enemy.
Only known exploit I have heard about is to run all the way up to the sigil towers and take the stone as a way to close many oblivion gates.

Argumentation failure

fun to be able to jump over Vivec the city not the god.

only time i ever ran away was because i wasnt interested in the fight and i knew it would just be a waste of time.

and on jumping over vivec.
and its fun to do both. :thumbsup:
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:08 pm

How often did anybody do it?

I made whole characters that revolved around evasive and non lethal escape methods. From pure, pure thieves, to acrobats, to coward nobility that relied on a quick foot and bodyguards (Jemane Brothers where pretty good protection).

But, I understand what your saying.
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:35 pm

I was honestly hoping they would continue the trend set by the acrobatical dodging and expand Acrobatics to something truly fun. For example, grabbing onto ledges, bouncing off of walls, jumping over your opponent to get a chance to stab from behind, quick recoveries from being knocked down, break dancing (kidding :D )...
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:55 am

I will miss acrobatics. Jumping from roof to roof as a thief to get away from the guards was very memorable. Athletics, not so much. By the end it felt like I had a set of wheels. :laugh:
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