1) Include a download code for ONE map pack--EITHER Retaliation OR Decimation with all NEW copies of the game sold.
2) Reduce the price of both map packs to 400MSP for a weekend (make it a double XP weekend).
3) Offer the second map pack at 50% off permanently to users who purchased one map pack at the full asking price of 800MSP.
4) Detect whether people searching for sessions have a map pack installed and match them to games with the new maps without the user needing to specify to the game to search only for sessions using the new map packs.
See how hard that was? Yeah, not too hard. You have my money, now gimme what I paid for... otherwise I paid 10 bucks for an assault rifle and a smoke grenade. This is unacceptable. If I do fail to get at least 10 games in on these maps by the end of August then I will ask for a refund. Also, at such time I will put the effort into finding more appropriate channels by which to voice my displeasure.