Combat FPS slows to a crawl.

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:43 am

Hello all,

I just got this game on the steam sale. Ok so here is my situation.

PC specs:
I-7 860 @ 2.8
single 5850
8 gigs ddr3 ram
64 bit os
1920x1080 resolution

The game when out in the wilderness runs smooth as butter. In town is runs pretty well, i see some minor choppiness but otherwise it is fine. As soon as I get into combat, my FPS drop to the single digits. I have googled this problem and have found no solution that works thus far. I have tried 3 diffrent versions of that .dll fix but none of them work. If I lower my settings from ultra to medium the fps drop is lessened (5-10 in ultra 10-15 in medium)

I can max every other game I play, witcher 2, max. starcraft 2 max, crysis 2 (could max on my old monitor with lower res, idk about the new HD monitor havnt tried hehe)

Anyway, the problem gets worse the more enimies engage me in combat. If i fight 1 person or creature the problem is almost bearable. The second a 2nd opponent gets into the fight it just bottoms out.

Please help!!

Just to reiterate incase it was missed, I did try the .dll fix that i found in another thread linking to that nexus website, but it did not help one bit.

It is the steam version of the game so it should be updated as well.

Thank you for any and all help!
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Post » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:18 pm

I am having the exact same problem. Game runs completely smooth as long as there are no NPCs around. I can usually engage 2-3 enemies before it gets unbearable and it seems to be worse with human NPCs over animals. My rig can play anything I've been throwing at it at max settings, so this is pretty frustrating. I as well searched the internet, tried the several DLLs that were suggested and several other "fixes" but nothing is doing the trick.

PC Specs:
Phenom 9500 Quad-Core @ 2.2 GHz
NVIDIA GTX 260 w/ 756mb onboard
32 bit OS
1360x768 (another odd occurrence, this is the only resolution FNV gives me that works, the other standard resolutions make my monitor freak and say Out of Range, even though other games have no problems with them)
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:09 am

Anyone have anything to help with? Or am I just screwed?
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:35 am

just curious. have you tried this console command: toggleemotions
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Austin Suggs
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