What I am asking is that the return the ability to get a perk every level as you could in fallout 3 through either Lonesome Road or Old World blues. I know this would not be difficult as within the first few weeks of the games release there were a multitude of websites such as fallout new vegas nexus that had a mod/mods that gave you this ability, and they are adding a trait with Old world Blues that will allow you to cap your character off at level 30 to make the game more difficult. What I am asking is not unreasonable and not cheating, I would not be asking for this if they had not removed the mantis leg glitch which allowed me to do this and even though I don't support using glitches or cheating in games to accomplish what you want, i fail to see this as cheating when it was a feature in the prior fallout game. I don't wish to go back to fallout 3 as I have put over 2000 hours into that game not to mention the semi improvements added to New Vegas like weapon modifications and iron sights make fallout 3 unplayable without these even if the gameplay was far more entertaining at the time for it's content as oppose to a well developed complex story in the way New Vegas has.
I hope I made this clear enough for everyone to understand It would be more entertaining for me to have this feature with my jack of all trades type character on the game, the one I could create without this ability would still dominate everything in the game but it would be more entertaining and increase the replay value to have this feature, thats all. Thanks for reading, please share your opinions or comments or what ever.