1. Short Description:
Ever wondered what to do with all that endless loot you have collected over your adventures? Tired of selling your wondrous items for only a fraction of their real value? Then this mod is for you. Now you can own a fully functional store, where you can put for sale any item you want; in a way that feels real, involved and most importantly balanced
2. Long Description:
OBSE is absolutely necessary.
UPDATE V1.1: Now fully compatible with better cities! Just download the new version and overwrite the old .esp, read the compatibility section if you want to know more.
This mod adds a shop in chorrol that the player can buy for 10,000 gold. Once you have your shop a short quest guides you through the basics of furnishing it, hiring a shopkeeper and stocking the items you want to sell. Your shop comes with your very own office where you can easily and conveniently access every detail of you shop, from how many items you have sold and how much gold you have made to purchasing new upgrades for your shop so you may have a higher chance of selling your stuff.
How does it works?
It’s quite simple really, you put any item you want to sell in any of the chests in your shop basemant and they will be automatically sorted in different containers according to their value level. There are 6 value levels, from common items that cost less than 500 septims to epic items that cost more than 30,000 septims. At the end of each day every item has a chance of being sold depending on its value. Great care has been given to make this mod balanced, while you may easily sell items that cost 200 gold, more expensive items are far more difficult to sell, this reflects the fact that not everyone in cirodyl is capable of affording a 5000 enchanted sword much less a 20000 enchanted daedric item.
Here are the chances of every item being sold per day:
1. Common Items (Value 0-500): 50%
2. Quality Items (Value 500-1000): 30% up to 40%
3. Exquisite Items (Value 1,000-6,000): 25% up to 35 %
4. Legendary Items (Value 6,000-15,000): 15% up to 25%
5. Mythic Items(Value 15,000 -30,000): 10% up to 20%
6. Epic Items (Value 30,000 and more): 5% up to 10%
The “up to” means that you may increase your chances of selling that particular class of item by purchasing improvement for your shop, all this improvements have a visual impact on your shop. You will see your progress from a lowly trader to a successful merchant of unique and rare items.
How to play it? No hassles!
There’s no need for any long instructions on how to use this mod, everything is explained in game in a way that feels natural and adds to the overall atmosphere of your game. This mods starts automatically once your load your game, a small quest message tells you of a business opportunity and it’s up to you to pursue it. The purpose of this mod is to add something new and different to the game not to create an inconvenience, everything is streamlined to be as simple as possible.
3. Compatibility:
Fully Compatible with Better Cities and Open Better Cities, no additional files are necessary. The mod automatically detects if you are running these mods and allows you to choose between the open and non-open better cities. This mod detects if you install or uninstall better cities so you can rest assured that whatever you do with your cities your shop will always be there.
Important: I you choose Open better cities and later want to change to non-Open better cities, or vice versa, you must: Open the console (just hit ` in your keyboard) and type – Set AdmStartQuest.OpenCities to 0 – without the – signs, then save your game and reload; the prompt allowing you to choose which version of better cities will appear again. Repeat as many times as you want.
4. Credits:
While all the scripting is my work, the models for the weapon and armor stands and other miscellaneous stuff are not mine and the authors deserve my praise for uploading their wonderful work as modder’s resource. Here is a comprehensive list of credits
Omegacron – Armory Clutter (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27150)
MEO – His armor stands are included in Omegacron’s resource.
Omegacron - Static Scroll Sets Resource (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28821)
MEO – Meos Room Divider (http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=143664)
MEO – Meos Series Bookset (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28521)
Strotis Static Weapon and Shield Resource (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37282)
Note: I edit many of the meshes to give a unique look to the store.
5. Permissions/ License:
All the cool armor, weapons and shield meshes come from Meo, Omegacron and stroti, while I did modify many; the meshes still remain theirs, so if you want to use them you should get them from the links I provided. All the scripting is mine so feel free to cut and paste any part you like/need.
Don’t redistribute this mod without my consent.