[Relz] Trade and Commerce

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:56 pm

Nexus Link - (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39255)

1. Short Description:

Ever wondered what to do with all that endless loot you have collected over your adventures? Tired of selling your wondrous items for only a fraction of their real value? Then this mod is for you. Now you can own a fully functional store, where you can put for sale any item you want; in a way that feels real, involved and most importantly balanced

2. Long Description:

OBSE is absolutely necessary.

UPDATE V1.1: Now fully compatible with better cities! Just download the new version and overwrite the old .esp, read the compatibility section if you want to know more.

This mod adds a shop in chorrol that the player can buy for 10,000 gold. Once you have your shop a short quest guides you through the basics of furnishing it, hiring a shopkeeper and stocking the items you want to sell. Your shop comes with your very own office where you can easily and conveniently access every detail of you shop, from how many items you have sold and how much gold you have made to purchasing new upgrades for your shop so you may have a higher chance of selling your stuff.

How does it works?

It’s quite simple really, you put any item you want to sell in any of the chests in your shop basemant and they will be automatically sorted in different containers according to their value level. There are 6 value levels, from common items that cost less than 500 septims to epic items that cost more than 30,000 septims. At the end of each day every item has a chance of being sold depending on its value. Great care has been given to make this mod balanced, while you may easily sell items that cost 200 gold, more expensive items are far more difficult to sell, this reflects the fact that not everyone in cirodyl is capable of affording a 5000 enchanted sword much less a 20000 enchanted daedric item.

Here are the chances of every item being sold per day:
1. Common Items (Value 0-500): 50%
2. Quality Items (Value 500-1000): 30% up to 40%
3. Exquisite Items (Value 1,000-6,000): 25% up to 35 %
4. Legendary Items (Value 6,000-15,000): 15% up to 25%
5. Mythic Items(Value 15,000 -30,000): 10% up to 20%
6. Epic Items (Value 30,000 and more): 5% up to 10%

The “up to” means that you may increase your chances of selling that particular class of item by purchasing improvement for your shop, all this improvements have a visual impact on your shop. You will see your progress from a lowly trader to a successful merchant of unique and rare items.
How to play it? No hassles!

There’s no need for any long instructions on how to use this mod, everything is explained in game in a way that feels natural and adds to the overall atmosphere of your game. This mods starts automatically once your load your game, a small quest message tells you of a business opportunity and it’s up to you to pursue it. The purpose of this mod is to add something new and different to the game not to create an inconvenience, everything is streamlined to be as simple as possible.

3. Compatibility:

Fully Compatible with Better Cities and Open Better Cities, no additional files are necessary. The mod automatically detects if you are running these mods and allows you to choose between the open and non-open better cities. This mod detects if you install or uninstall better cities so you can rest assured that whatever you do with your cities your shop will always be there.

Important: I you choose Open better cities and later want to change to non-Open better cities, or vice versa, you must: Open the console (just hit ` in your keyboard) and type – Set AdmStartQuest.OpenCities to 0 – without the – signs, then save your game and reload; the prompt allowing you to choose which version of better cities will appear again. Repeat as many times as you want.

4. Credits:

While all the scripting is my work, the models for the weapon and armor stands and other miscellaneous stuff are not mine and the authors deserve my praise for uploading their wonderful work as modder’s resource. Here is a comprehensive list of credits
Omegacron – Armory Clutter (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27150)
MEO – His armor stands are included in Omegacron’s resource.
Omegacron - Static Scroll Sets Resource (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28821)
MEO – Meos Room Divider (http://www.tesnexus.com/modules/members/index.php?id=143664)
MEO – Meos Series Bookset (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28521)
Strotis Static Weapon and Shield Resource (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37282)
Note: I edit many of the meshes to give a unique look to the store.

5. Permissions/ License:

All the cool armor, weapons and shield meshes come from Meo, Omegacron and stroti, while I did modify many; the meshes still remain theirs, so if you want to use them you should get them from the links I provided. All the scripting is mine so feel free to cut and paste any part you like/need.
Don’t redistribute this mod without my consent.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:11 pm

This looks awesome. Must download now. :)
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:23 pm

Looks promising, but I won't download it till I know if its compatible with better cities, and if its balanced with Enchanted Economy.
Maybe you need to make the mercantile skill have more effect on this mod. A better mercantile skill = more chance to sell items, or sell them at a higher price. It would also be necessary to hire somebody, so your store can still be open when you are exploring, and if your shop is starting to get success, you might need to hire a guard to keep the thieves at bay :)
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:33 pm

Good concept, thanks for sharing :goodjob:
Wonder how it would go with better cities
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:14 pm

Wow sounds brilliant! Only thing to say is the shop sounds a bit cheap!! And are there running costs?? I.e. do you have to pay your staff and pay for all those candles you use and the inevitable heating bills come winter :P.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:25 pm

This looks awesome. Must download now. :)

Hope you like it! Please let me know what you think about it.

Looks promising, but I won't download it till I know if its compatible with better cities, and if its balanced with Enchanted Economy.
Maybe you need to make the mercantile skill have more effect on this mod. A better mercantile skill = more chance to sell items, or sell them at a higher price. It would also be necessary to hire somebody, so your store can still be open when you are exploring, and if your shop is starting to get success, you might need to hire a guard to keep the thieves at bay :)

Thanks for your comment:

Well you do have to hire a shopkeeper in order for the store to function, in fact, no shopkeeper no selling. I played with the idea of daily or weekly upkeep, but i really didn't know how such a thing would be received by other players since it would add a layer of complexity that i think many would prefer to avoid and may end up becoming a nuisance. The reason why mercantile skill is not a factor is because you are not actually selling the items, the shopkeeper is. I don't think there is need to balance this with "Enchanted" Economy (i don't remember if it is enchanted or enhanced), the only way i think this mods may overlap is if enhanced economy increases or decreases item prices, and that is perfectly fine my scripts take care of all this, you will sell your items based on their actual value. I may make a compatibility patch with better cities, but only after i know this mod is in a state that players enjoy; i would like to add more features ( like the guards you mentioned, this is something i have always wanted to do) before doing compatibility patches.

All this being said i plan to keep adding to this mod if there is enough interest and i value your opinion greatly, i encourage you to give it a try if only so you can give me more recommendations and feedback for future updates.

Wow sounds brilliant! Only thing to say is the shop sounds a bit cheap!! And are there running costs?? I.e. do you have to pay your staff and pay for all those candles you use and the inevitable heating bills come winter :P.

hahaha, yes i also think that at 10,000 its a bit cheap. But i wanted players to be able to experience the mod fairly early in their character life. There are costs! the first upgrade costs 10,000 more, the next 15,000, the other two 30,000 and 50,000. They improve your chances of selling more expensive items, (you can check your current chances in your office desk) and without them the most expensive are very hard to sell, oh and did i mention that all these upgrades have a visual impact? its not just numbers!!.

About upkeep:

I wanted to put this in but decided against it, but looks like its something that you guys want. So i think i should add it in a future update, you would have to pay a weekly wage to your employees and perhaps taxes on your store (a fixed amount or based on income?). But please play the mod!! its perfectly functional and immersive as it is, and i need feedback if i am to improve it. Also any update i do will be compatible with your current save-game so no problems there and any new feature that may change your current game experience should be optional.

I have a bunch of ideas to keep adding to this mod, but i dont want to star promising things that i may end up not doing.
Believe or not my only motivation for making mods is for other people to play them, i don't enjoy them once i made them. So as long as there is people playing it i will keep improving it.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:00 pm

Good concept, thanks for sharing :goodjob:
Wonder how it would go with better cities

Thanks! well to be honest i don't know, as long as better cities doesn't put a building right on top the store there should be no problem. I think i am going to download it and try right now ( i have actually never used better cities.... I know shame on me)
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Rodney C
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:12 pm

May I suggest that certain upgrades come after performing quests? Like perhaps rescuing a trade ship in order to restock your shop with items of value, or restoring the economy of a region so that you may increase your profits. Not every upgrade should be pay xxx amount of money=moar bonus. I do love the concept, though, and I will certainly download this mod to try it out! :)
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:06 pm

This sounds like an incredibly promising mod. Since you asked for feedback, I have the following suggestions...

I also use both Better Cities and Enhanced Economy. If there are incompatibilities I think you'll find that the producers of both of those mods have been very willing to produce compatibility patches when needed, so it may be something to discuss with them.

Whether through an Enhanced Economy patch, or through your mod directly, being able to configure some of your variables via an INI file may be something to consider. Even if your mod doesn't have a "direct" conflict with Enhanced Economy, the percentage chances for sales you're using seem a bit inconsistent with Enhanced Economy's base settings which make economic game more "hardcoe" and therefore harder to win the mercantile game and make profits. It also has regional pricing, so certain goods that are cheap in Chorrol might be expensive in Anvil. To be truly compatible, the sale prices in the store for regional goods should mimic the other stores in the area rather than just use the base prices. I suggest you to talk to TheNiceOne about the possibility of incorporating a patch in Enhanced Economy to add that functionality.

Being able to modify those thresholds would allow individual users to tweak things as desired, e.g. the 50% sale chance per day for base items may seem high to some. I don't think most stores have that kind of turnaround on inventory. What would really be cool is if in conjunction with Enhanced Economy the store could model market saturation...if you have a lot of a specific item available, after a while the market will become more saturated and the price would drop.
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:52 am

The mod is kinda incompatible with better cities (you can still enter and do everything though), otherwise good job, I like it. :goodjob:
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:34 pm

hahaha, yes i also think that at 10,000 its a bit cheap. But i wanted players to be able to experience the mod fairly early in their character life. There are costs! the first upgrade costs 10,000 more, the next 15,000, the other two 30,000 and 50,000. They improve your chances of selling more expensive items, (you can check your current chances in your office desk) and without them the most expensive are very hard to sell, oh and did i mention that all these upgrades have a visual impact? its not just numbers!!.

About upkeep:

I wanted to put this in but decided against it, but looks like its something that you guys want. So i think i should add it in a future update, you would have to pay a weekly wage to your employees and perhaps taxes on your store (a fixed amount or based on income?). But please play the mod!! its perfectly functional and immersive as it is, and i need feedback if i am to improve it. Also any update i do will be compatible with your current save-game so no problems there and any new feature that may change your current game experience should be optional.

I have a bunch of ideas to keep adding to this mod, but i dont want to star promising things that i may end up not doing.
Believe or not my only motivation for making mods is for other people to play them, i don't enjoy them once i made them. So as long as there is people playing it i will keep improving it.

I can always edit the starting price of it myself :D. If you just want people to play it to get feedback then tell them how to get the house without paying or something :D. Either way I'll make it more expensive when I eventually download it. I don't have time to play at the moment, and I broke my LO recently anyways. But I do play with Better Cities so I would welcome a patch for that. I also use enhanced economy.

But yes, an income based tax makes sense. Depending on how far you want to go with it you could always add in a (secret) option for people to find the tax man and pay him off a little to get some cheaper tax! When I have more time I'll add this to my LO (and fix it!).
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:13 pm

This mod could be made compatible with Better Cities - possibly by moving the shop to another city. Better Cities has a lot of free doors in the Imperial City, but not sure if any remain in Chorrol... ask in the BC thread. I am sure Vorians and Ismelda would be happy to get compatible with this.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:50 am

But yes, an income based tax makes sense. Depending on how far you want to go with it you could always add in a (secret) option for people to find the tax man and pay him off a little to get some cheaper tax! When I have more time I'll add this to my LO (and fix it!).

Heh...perhaps you can make the store a legitimate front for the mob, err...Thieves Guild if you're high enough rank there?
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Jenna Fields
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:05 pm

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that i am working on the compatibility patch for better cities, i am almost done with the "interior" better cities patch then I'll have to take care of the exterior. I think i may be able to release this sometime today.

After that i think I'll start adding some of the suggestions you have posted.


I really like the INI idea, i have being doing some research and it is much more easy to implement than i though it would. That's the next thing i am gonna tackle after i am done with the better cities compatibility patches.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:34 pm

Definitely going to check this out.

If you really want to think big, you could have player-owned shops in all the cities, with each city having its own "preferred loot" you would want to sell there, or basically the localized economies from Enhanced Economy Stromgarde already mentioned. And then apply pretty much everything else Stromgarde said, hehe, integrating Enhanced Economy, or just in general mimicking some simple economic behaviors, keeping it fun. Like I can imagine it would be pretty cool to start with a shop in one city, then slowly expand to more cities, playing the markets and taking advantage of regional preferences. Sorry, I'm just kind of imagining where it could go and still need to try it out! But with the right balancing and fitting it in with Enhanced Economy, oh man!!!!
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:02 pm

This is a list of free doors from the Better Cities page:
Free Doors and Used Free Doors:

Imperial City Market West

Door 3 is reserved for the One Stop Armors.
Door 4 is reserved for the Bank of Cyrodiil.
Door 5 has an interior included in the ICMarket.
Door 6 is reserved for the Old Crow Inn.
Doors 1 & 2 are free.

Imperial City Market East

Door 10 is reserved for the TESFU Book Collection.
Door 11 is reserved for the Scribe Supplies.
Door 13 is reserved for the IC Expanded.
Door 14 is reserved for the IC Waterfront Tunnel Entrance.
Doors 7, 8, 9 & 15 are free.

Imperial City Market Upper Level

Doors 16 & 19 are free.


Doors with ??? are free.

Bravil B&M

No Free Doors


No Free Doors


No Free Doors

Leyawiin Dock

Doors with ??? are free.


No Free Doors


No Free Doors.


No Free Doors


2 doors are free.

You may want to move your shop to another city with free doors, so that it shows up right in BC, and they can make a patch for you! Write in the http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1193172-relz-bananasplits-better-cities-thread-41/.
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:41 pm

this sounds awesome. i hope you make an open cities patch soon :rock:
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:46 pm

Now fully compatible with Better Cities and Open Better Cities! The store is still in chorrol, i found a nice spot to place it.
Check the first post for details.

Thanks for all the wonderful ideas, i am already starting to think how to implement some of these. Specially those about enhanced economy, I'll try to introduce regional prices somehow; my idea right now is to allow the player to sell "Trade Goods" which they have to acquire from different parts of cirodyl (with varying prices depending on the region). That just an idea for now, first i want to polish what i already have! A way for the player to customize the selling chances is next.
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