» Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:46 am
The problem for me with the recharging mechanic in Oblivion was that, as a pure mage character, refilling charges on charge based enchantments was never motivation enough to capture souls and collect soul gems (or use them to recharge stuff).
It was a little less harsh in Morrowind, but only because it was skill based, and there was extra motivation from learning a little enchanting in the process.
To me, charge based enchantments were always a waste compared to constant effect, and this was part of the reason. They were never good enough to justify going through all that trouble (it wasn't really a lot of trouble. . . but after many repetitions it became tedious).
It would be cool if they would keep the recharge scheme, and make it seem more like a craftsman with his tools. Here are some suggestions:
- The detail and accuracy that you see about the charge on a magic item and charge that you get from a soul gem (with the specific soul) is related to your enchanting skill
- The amount of charge that you can draw from a soul is greater with enchanting skill (you become more efficient)
- The amount of uses you get from a soul gem is dependent on the soul gem, the soul, and enchanting skill
Also, overall the quality of charge use enchantments needs to be better. Or at least offer charge use items that are worth it for a pure mage to use (the magic staffs always felt underpowered).