» Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:21 pm
One good thing about mass Effect was the extra speech options for enough charm or intimidate. Similar in NV, and definitely preferable to FO3's chance system. What I want to see is perks for Etiquette and streetwise, if you take them, opens new speech options for dealing with Nobles and underworld types. The options from the speech wheel could be kept in a Daggerfall 'tone' choice system, pick coerce, joke etc. before initiating conversation, makes the difference between "let me mark that on your map" and "North, I think". Glossing over persuasion elements of a game is, imho, harming the amount of role in role playing game. There are 18 skills, there have to be situations that make investing in speechcraft worthwhile, other wise it becomes the skill no one uses again, a waste of potential.