Who are your friends?

Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:19 pm

One of the funnest things about roleplaying is having friends! So who are your character'(s) friends? How did they become friends, and how does your character interact with his/her friends?

Gwendaline Balois' friends are:

Gunder - The owner of Colovian Traders in Skingrad. They initially met because Agnete the Pickled, owner of Hammer and Tongs, was asking unreasonable prices for repair hammers and was unwilling to go any lower, so Gwen decided to take her business to Colovian Traders. She received a much better price from Gunder, and decided to sell off her furs (her secondary way of income, with Fighters Guild being first and scavenging being third.) Since then, by coincidence, Gwen always seems to find herself buying repair hammers from Gunder and selling him her furs. Because of their frequent encounters, they've become friends.

Dervera Romalen - The owner of the Newlands Lodge in Cheydinhal. Dervera and Vilja were friends and enjoyed speaking of Morrowind. Their friendship lead Gwen and Dervera to become friends as well. In the day time, while in Cheydinhal, Gwen will often hang out in Newlands Lodge to shoot the breeze with Dervera. However, when staying the night, she always goes to the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn. This is because the Newlands Lodge is the favorite tavern and inn of the Orcs in Cheydinhal, and they often give Gwen a hard time for having the appearance of a weak, snooty, Breton wizard.

Ardaline - Alchemist in the Mages Guild of Bravil. They first met when Gwen was having a terribly difficult time finding Ectoplasm for Margaret in Leyawiin in order to earn her trust and get jobs for her Fighters Guild colleagues. Gwen traveled all the way north to Bravil in hopes that someone was selling Ectoplasm, and, luckily Ardaline was selling enough. They pvssyd briefly and made a connection. Since then, Gwen always stops in to buy ingredients from Ardaline when she's in Bravil, even if she doesn't need them.

She has other friends, but they are mostly quest-related, such as Dar-Ma and Norbert Lelles. Several Fighters Guild members are her friends as well (they refer to her as "Wendy," (or perhaps "Windy") both as a shortened version of Gwendaline and because she comes and goes, "like the wind.")

There are more, but I'm drawing a blank. If I think of the others, I'm sure I'll mention them later in the thread, but now it's your turn! I want to hear about your friendships!
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:42 am

I'm not as inventive with the name and separation of my character from my own personality as some people, but friends... my character has those:

Rohssan: Rohssan is my character's most trusted blacksmith and and arms/armor merchant. Her renowned smithing skill and naturally friendly attitude have kept my character most willing to support her business and over the many trips to her store, they've become good friends that always update each other on the latest events whenever they should meet.

Baurus: What can I say? He's Baurus, my character's fellow blade, sparring partner, and defender of the Septim line. You all know the backstory behind him, I presume.

Martin: Again, this one's an obvious one for a hero, but Martin's plain and simply a good friend of my character's.

Eyja: Ever since hiring Eyja and giving her a new place to call home, my character has only grown more sympathetic for her seemingly rough life, has asked many times of her story, and always respects her as a friend and an individual... never as a servant.

Sir Areldur: Areldur has tradionally been the one I've recruited to the Knights of the Nine first and I consider him one of the founding, essential members of my re-founded order.

Sir Lathon: Again, he's another very important member of the Knights of the Nine faction and since the death of Sir Roderic, Lathon and my character have spent much time contemplating the ways of knighthood as my character loves to hear yet another tale of Hammefell and the Knights of the Scarab of Totambu from Lathon.

Sir Thedret: Finally, my character's second-in-command of the Knights of the Nine is Sir Thedret. For his leadership abilities, endurance, and valor, my character appointed him second-in-command and respects him as an individual.

Modryn Oreyn: After a rough beginning, my character proved his worth to his now good friend and fellow Fighters Guild member, Modryn Oreyn. Entrusting my character with his family's heirloom helmet, he sealed a mutual bond of trust and friendship between them.

Tar Meena: As a fellow scholar, my character has spent much time discussing with her about the ways of Daedric cults and lore, in general.

Owyn: Though initially rude and skeptical of my character (in a way my character secretly found funny), Owyn eventually respected and trusted my character through his prowess in the Arena.

Friends no more:

Agronak gro-Malog: Agronak was a kind and dear friend of my character. My character refused to tell Agronak Gro-Malog what he was so that Agronak would fight valiantly to the end rather than simply roll over and die and slayed him in the Arena. They were grave friends and he misses him dearly, but he knew Agronak could never live with his past and my character slayed him out of pity in one, last, glorious Arena battle rather than let Agronak inevitably find out the truth and be crushed. It was a difficult thing for my character to go through, but he saw it as the best solution.

Blue Team Gladiator in the Arena: The most friendly person my character initially met in the Arena, this nameless blue team gladiator was once my character's good friend. After the slaying of Agronak, however, he obtained a bitter hatred of my character for slaying who was once a friend of both... Agronak. The pain of losing his friendship with this blue team gladiator merely added to the misery that my character retained from slaying his close friend, Agronak gro-Malog.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:38 am

Sinderion is a friend of several of my characters. One of them, my Traveling Alchemist, started out as Sinderion's apprentice, and branched out on her own, at Sinderion's suggestion, when her expertise on the Nirnroot had obviously exceeded that of her master. Sinderion is a pleasant fellow, and he always gives good prices for ingredients or potions.

The Jemane brothers are friends to several of my characters, too. They often stop in, just to say hello, on their way from hither to yon. Sometimes they even go out of their way...

And everybody likes S'jirra, and I swear it's not just the potato bread! :wink_smile:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:30 pm

Wow, only 2 replies? Let's bump this one up. :goodjob:

Several of my characters like Gunder also, not to the point of pure friendship, but mostly because something about him seems likeable. He's not pretentious, doesn 't make any snazzy remarks, gives good rates with little fuss...and he just comes across as a guy who's "on our side", if that makes any sense.He's an adventurer's friend.

Agnette the Pickled, on the other hand, seems like the stereotypical alcoholic on the verge of a midlife crisis. I'm pretty sure some of my chars (especially Renee Gade II, who was also an alcoholic) may have been friendly with Agnette. But not really "friends with" her.

It's hard for me to make friends with any NPCs (even on a roleplaying level) because in the vanilla game they all seem kinda distant. Each NPC has a few lines of speech which get spoken at various points, and after awhile I've heard them all. :( This is not Sims. NPCs in Cyrodiil either like you or they don't, but it's hard to really make friends with anybody.

Renee Gade II when she was alive was the one character of mine who really felt the pain of lonliness. After she bought her house in Bravil, she set about becoming friends with her upstairs neighbor. Turns out
this neighbor is a Theive's Guild fence who doesn't get involved with others unless they're TG members
. Renee got really bothered by this. Started looking for petty things to steal from others in Bravil. It was her "acting out" period, before she got serious about life and tried to attempt TotN quests.

Beujok the Grey Wizard (Lvl. 7, Breton, Arch Mage & Champion of Cyrodiil) also doesn't really have any friends. He's too egotistical, anyways. Way too into money & the spoils it brings. And adventuring of course, and hearing his namesake mentioned (..it's...it's YOU! The CHAMPION OF CYRODIIL! This is quite an honor!) Beujok occasionally takes a female Mage Apprentice around, keeps her up in his tower, brings her about town, etc. But this has nothing to do with friendship! It's ...uh...:hubbahubba: ...more about his feeling of power over others.

Dyan phor a'Cauz (level 8, Nord, paladin & head of Fighter's Guild) has what I suppose could be "friends" at various chapels about Cyrodiil. I can't remember any of their names, though. She'll go in and pray, spending the entire day of Sundas in the chapel, so she must have some friends by now in there, eh?

Eradi-Kate (level 1, Breton, assassin) is my newest character. She's supposed to be a former bandit making her way in society, so obviously she's having some issues with some of Cyrodiil's more pompous folk. No friends yet, not really. :shrug: Her friends were all in Sinkhole Cave, but she "eradicated" them all. :lol:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:16 am

-Armand Christophe. Rayn fancied the pants off him at first, but that wore off and now she simply respects and admires him. Whenever she's spending the night in her waterfront shack, she'll always go out to see him at midnight, just to have a chat.

-Dar-Ma from Chorrol. She greeted me very nicely the first time she saw me in Chorrol, and I think she's a lovely girl. I like her mother as well.

-M'aiq. I know this is a silly one, but he always seems to be in Anvil when I'm there and is always happy to talk. Rayn just wishes he wouldn't run off so quickly, before she has chance to tell him she'd be glad to collect some callipers for him.

-Marc Gulitte in the Anvil Mages Guild. He doesn't talk to me much but he's very polite. Rayn had a scare the first time she woke up on the double bed upstairs to find him snuggled up next to her, but luckily she realised he was probably just lonely and appreciative of a fellow breton before she put the nearby silver dagger through his neck.

-Ongar in Bruma. He pretends not to like me and tries to fob me off by telling me he's tired, but I'm his best friend really.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:18 pm

-M'aiq. I know this is a silly one, but he always seems to be in Anvil when I'm there and is always happy to talk. Rayn just wishes he wouldn't run off so quickly, before she has chance to tell him she'd be glad to collect some callipers for him.

To this day, I have yet to even "meet" M'aiq with any of my characters. After talking to a few folks here in the forums I understand this is because he runs all the time.

-Ongar in Bruma. He pretends not to like me and tries to fob me off by telling me he's tired, but I'm his best friend really.

Ha ha, Ongar is awesome. I never took his "tired" bit as a sign of him not liking my characters, they just always lol at him. :lol:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:45 am

Buffy has a quiver full of friends in Tamriel. Just a few:

Daenlin. Godfather and master of the bow. Friend of Buffy's late father, Superior. Took Buffy on as an apprentice when she was eight years old.

Nilawen. Godmother and friend of Buffy's late mother, Terry Ann.

Boderi Farano. Buffy's advisor at the University. Turned the bowgirl into a mystic archer.

Ardaline. Buffy's closest 'peer' friend, as both hail from Bravil and are guild sisters. They get teased for their blond hair and vast difference in height.

Kud-Ei. Her guild magister and wise advisor. Instrumental in Buffy's choice to specialize in illusion.

Mazoga. Fellow knight who, after a rough start, grew into a very close friend.

Agronak gro-Malog. Buffy talked him into leaving the Arena and trying to become a knight in her order of the White Stallion. Happily, Sir Agronak is now the knightly consort of the mighty Sir Mazoga. Buffy's meddling worked!

Alawen. The champion archer of Cyrodiil and ranger of County Anvil. By putting pieces together Buffy discovered the secret that Alawen is likely the daughter of Daenlin. For complex reasons, the secret remains just that, as both Daenlin and Alawen are unaware they are probably related.

Savlian Matius. Buffy is smitten by him. And she thinks that maybe he feels similarly.

Superian. Buffy's precious black mare and almost constant companion. Her name is a combination of the names of Buffy's parents. Superior + Terry Ann = Superian.

Lothran. The wonderful Dunmeri character of mirocu that has become a close and wonderful friend to Buffy.

Thernd. The mystical Bosmeri stablemaster that runs Equestria - the MG stables located in the Valley of the Horses, just below the bridge between the IC and the University. He is the brother of Thauron (Anvil MG), but instead of one domesticated imp, he has no less that half a dozen that patrol the Valley of the Horses along with his dog, Bandit.

Acadian. The ancient ethereal spirit of a paladin / dragon rider that has traveled as part of Buffy since her brief stint in the Imperial Prison.

Phantom. She was an ice dragon flown by the dragon rider Acadian. Both their physical forms perished centuries ago. They are bound together and their spirits survive only when supported inside the body of a host - like Buffy.

Some of her other friends include: Sinderion, Delphine Jend, Carahil, Arielle Jurard, Dagail, Millona Umbranox, Sigrid. . . .
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:25 am

Fortja had a great friend, but he's gone now. There's a big stone "statue" standing where she last saw her friend, and Fortja has a hard time passing through that district of the IC without tears coming into her eyes.
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Post » Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:43 pm

Elendil Dalas Imperial level 51's friends:

Baurus: Passed away at the battle of Bruma.
Jauffre: Murdered by Elendil's Twin brother Drakath.
Martin: Dead.
Tar-Meena: A fellow smart person, Elendil did not take any help dechiphring the commentaries to find the Mythic dawn's hiding place tough.
Ganradhel: Died protecting Elendil's best friend K-Raq in a fight (One of my other characters)
K-Raq: Assisted Elendil, Kylene, Weram, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's best friend.
Kylene D. Othran: Assisted Elendil, Weram, K-Raq, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's adoptive sister.
Weram: Assisted Elendil, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis.
Thoronir: Seemed like a bastard at first but he's actually become a very close friend of Elendil.
Captain Steffan: Elendil often stops by cloud ruler temple when in bruma and says Hi to Steffan. They've developed a friendship.
Darkath: Never uses Dalas in his name anymore, sticks to the shadows. Elendil and Darkath are almost arch enemies, but Darkath has recently become friends with him and the rest of the ''Champions'' again.
Dar-Ma: Nice girl, was beat to death in a riot tough.
Aldos Othran: Kylene's real brother and close friend of Elendil and K-Raq. *Dead*
Garrus Darrelliun: A good friend of Kylene K-Raq and Elendil. Was a bit angry the way Ulrich Leland was brought to justice seeing as he was assassinated by K-Raq when he got to angry seeing Aldos being killed.
Llevvana Nedaren: Kylenes best friend, they love sharing stories about Morrowind and they often meet seeing as Kylene lives in Cheydinhal.

K-Raq Khajiit level 20's friends:

Baurus: Passed away at the battle of Bruma.
Jauffre: Murdered by Elendil's Twin brother Drakath.
Martin: Dead.
Ganredhel: Died protecting K-Raq from some guards.
Captain Steffan: K-Raq is a member of the blades, but acts more like an agent. He was at Cloud ruler once when Steffan gave him an ale. They became friends after that
Darkath: Never uses Dalas in his name anymore, sticks to the shadows. Elendil and Darkath are almost arch enemies, but Darkath has recently become friends with him and the rest of the ''Champions'' again.
Kylene D. Othran: Assisted Elendil, Weram, K-Raq, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's adoptive sister.
Weram: Assisted Elendil, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis.
Elendil Dalas: Assisted Weram, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis
Aldos Othran: Kylene's real brother and close friend of Elendil and K-Raq. *Dead*
Garrus Darrelliun: A good friend of Kylene K-Raq and Elendil. Was a bit angry the way Ulrich Leland was brought to justice seeing as he was assassinated by K-Raq when he got to angry seeing Aldos being killed.
Llevvana Nedaren: Kylenes best friend, they love sharing stories about Morrowind and they often meet seeing as Kylene lives in Cheydinhal.

Weram Altmer level 34's friends:

Darkath: Never uses Dalas in his name anymore, sticks to the shadows. Elendil and Darkath are almost arch enemies, but Darkath has recently become friends with him and the rest of the ''Champions'' again.
Kylene D. Othran: Assisted Elendil, Weram, K-Raq, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's adoptive sister.
Elendil Dalas: Assisted Weram, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis
K-Raq: Assisted Elendil, Kylene, Weram, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's best friend.
Surrotan: Weram's best friend.

Kylene D. Othran Dunmer level 27's friends:

Elendil Dalas: Assisted Weram, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis
Darkath: Never uses Dalas in his name anymore, sticks to the shadows. Elendil and Darkath are almost arch enemies, but Darkath has recently become friends with him and the rest of the ''Champions'' again.
K-Raq: Assisted Elendil, Kylene, Weram, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis. Elendil's best friend.
Weram: Assisted Elendil, K-Raq, Kylene, and Martin ending the Oblivion crisis.
Dar-Ma: Nice girl, was beat to death in a riot tough.
Baurus: Passed away at the battle of Bruma.
Jauffre: Murdered by Elendil's Twin brother Drakath.
Martin: Dead.
Ganredhel: Died protecting K-Raq from some guards.
Aldos Othran: Kylene's real brother and close friend of Elendil and K-Raq. *Dead*
Garrus Darrelliun: A good friend of Kylene K-Raq and Elendil. Was a bit angry the way Ulrich Leland was brought to justice seeing as he was assassinated by K-Raq when he got to angry seeing Aldos being killed.
Llevvana Nedaren: Kylenes best friend, they love sharing stories about Morrowind and they often meet seeing as Kylene lives in Cheydinhal.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:17 am

Nurmara, an evilly sixy 6' 3" High Elf. Currently at level 2, with 2 friends. Her Summoned Skeleton, named Styx and the bartender at the Foaming Flask.

If he pinches her one more time, she'll be down to one...
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:47 am

My character has few friends. Right now it's just Vilja.
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m Gardner
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:43 am

Lothran has a few selected friends throughout Cyrodiil. Not too many, but those who are he looks after. Here′s a list of a few of them.

Ongar the World-Weary - Lothran′s first real friend in a certain guild. He′s become some sort of a mentor for my Dunmer

Methredel - Lothran′s second friend from the same guild. At first they were antagonistic to each other, but later developed a deep friendship and understanding towards one another

Buffy the Blond Bosmeri Bowgirl from Bravil - This one Lothran can′t treasure high enough. The kind and chatty little Wood Elf has really gotten a hold of his heart and he would do whatever it takes to get her out of harms way, provided that it was necessary

J′skar - A Khajiit with a sense of humor. Lothran′s sense of humor in fact so there you have it

S′drassa - A very friendly and caring feline who helped Lothran in his early days to find his way in the big city
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