Characters you'd be interested in meeting, but probably neve

Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:49 pm

I'm talking about characters who are mentioned by name or in computer logs, but never actually seen in game, either because they're supposedly dead or simply for reasons unknown. OR if there's no characters like that for you, which characters would you like more dialog with?

For me, I wish we could meet Bill Calhoun, the surviving FotA that accompanied Caesar and DIDN'T join the Legion. I dunno why, just sounds like an interesting guy. He's a FotA so he's probably a nice guy and he stood by his morals at the risk of facing the wrath of Caesar, yet was luckily chosen to be the surviving messenger. Not only that, he managed to return to the Mojave on his own. Sounds like an all around BAMF. He could've been the player character in a Fallout game ffs, and it sounds like he would have interesting insight to Caesar's character, interesting experiences and interesting opinions.

As for existing players I wanna hear more from, first there's Mr. House and the King. Why? Simply because they're probably two of the most interesting personalities in the game. I'm not exactly DYING to know more about the King, but rather I think he just has the potential to be interesting no matter what you discuss with him. As for Mr. House, it's more I want to know more ABOUT him. House is a frustrating character if you're trying to decide to ally with him or not, mostly because you're given VERY little info about him from other people. You only have your very limited convos with him where he seems intelligent and on the ball, and most importantly, he's incredibly interesting and has accomplished great feats in his lifetime. Hell, House may be -the- most powerful character in the entire Fallout series, if you look at what he's accomplished in life. But then you walk outside and hear almost no one speaking highly of him (think Majorie and Swank are the only two who will), and yet those very same people rarely ever justify WHY they hate him. Ok, he apparently forced a lot of people out of their homes and there was a lot of bloodshed when he took control. That's a big deal, but there's nothing more? Nothing good to say about him? Nothing else bad? With House, I always get the feeling that I'm missing something, because I only SEE good and progress, but I only HEAR bad things, albeit with no actual justification 9 times out of 10.
Another character is Lucius. Why? Because we all know Caesar likes to keep his followers in the dark. He keeps them ignorant and out of touch with the reality of things. Lucius however? The game seems to imply that Lucius is -the- Legionnaire that Caesar actually tells some truths to. I'd love to hear his opinion of some of these things, but sadly he only talks to you to give you updates or orders and isn't open for actually discussing them. I mean, in the same way the Courier is interesting to the people of the Mojave for being the guy that has access to Mr. House, Lucius is the guy that has access to Caesar in a truthful sense. So yeah, I'd like to hear more from him.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:38 pm

Goris from FO2! (for those who have not played FO2 goris is an intelligent deathclaw who was capable of talking & was available as a companion)
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:34 pm

Col. Moretti. I want to give that guy a high five!
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:47 pm

Who I'd be interested in meeting that I've only heard of: Graham from back in the Legion days.

Who I'm interested in seeing more of: Dead Sea as a legionnaire companion and for Canyon Runner to explain slave/capture treatment and selection in more detail, Aurelius to explain a bit more about how cannibalism is handled within the Legion, Alexander to flesh out the lore of the Mojave take-over, Anthony for more hilarious dialogue and maybe be able to six him up and Severus to give more lore. Hell, I'd like to see more of every legionnaire considering we get so few of them.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 10:09 am

I know he got his part in HH but I didn't feel his role and dialogue (which was still good) didn't live up to its full potential

and Marcus
I understand he was meant to stay in character, but I kinda wished when you talk to him he could've gone a little deeper, or....idk something
I guess the same I said of Graham, he was good, I just felt like he had greater potential.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:13 pm

I know he got his part in HH but I didn't feel his role and dialogue (which was still good) didn't live up to its full potential

and Marcus
I understand he was meant to stay in character, but I kinda wished when you talk to him he could've gone a little deeper, or....idk something
I guess the same I said of Graham, he was good, I just felt like he had greater potential.

play FO2, marcus is a companion in that game (in FO2 you are the tribal he mentioned)
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sam westover
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:31 am

play FO2, marcus is a companion in that game (in FO2 you are the tribal he mentioned)

Paragon most certainly know that, it would still be nice to have gotten more dialogue out of Marcus, if there was anything to give canon to FO2 it would have been Marcus, and he was reduced to a vague out of place fan service.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:12 pm

I'd like to have seen more of 2 characters from Fallout 3.

1. Mr. Burke. The mysterious creep who wants you to destroy Megaton. What are his origins, his motivations, his location after you refuse to destroy Megaton?

2. Dr. Zimmer. The old scientist from the Institute in the Commonwealth who comes to Rivet City to retrieve his runaway android. What are the amazing accomplishments of The Institute? I would have loved, and for a while expected, that one of the FO3 DLCs would've been based in The Commonwealth .... particulalry in The Institute. Advanced science, androids etc ..... Maybe we're getting something like this with Old World Blues?

Anyway, good thread :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:21 pm

I'm going to go with Bill Calhoun too on this one, just to hear him tell the story about how Caesar came to power and get more detail on the entire thing would be awesome. And I wouldn't mind hearing from a actual Legion citizen either, just to hear more about what civilian life is like under Legion control. Really more info from ANY of the Legion characters would be cool, just to flesh out their lore a little bit more.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 7:53 pm

Mr.House in his prime
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:06 pm

I'd like to hear more from Marcus, he's always been one of my favorite characters.

Second, I would kill to meet Roger Maxson the founder of The Brotherhood of Steel.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:27 pm

Hmmm... let's seee....

Roger Maxson
Marcus (more from him, he was always a favorite)
The Survivalist
Mr House (Pre-War of course)

and more that I cant think of at the moment.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 12:40 pm

Hmmm... let's seee....

Roger Maxson
Marcus (more from him, he was always a favorite)

:thumbsup: Great choices.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 2:20 pm

:thumbsup: Great choices.

Thanks! :D I've always wanted some more mentions of them in the FO games, which is why I was extatic when they were mentioned again in FO3 (Roger) and FNV (Marcus). ^_^
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