Reclusive, funny that's the very word I thought of today as I got into her game. That's exactly how i'd describe Kate.
She joined the Mage's Guild because she wants to get to the Arcane Univ, but has this habit of staying in their basemants as much as possible, instead of sleeping/living upstairs. It's like there's a shyness involved. Secrecy.
Baldur's GAte was an awesome game, I agree. I never finished it unfortunately. Got stuck on some level and all my saves were messed up.

But I did learn how to use both cahracters as I played on the PS2. My right hand controlled a fighter-type, while my left controlled the wizard. I'd walk them both togther, and then coordinate, blocking with the fighter while the wizard popped a few spells off.

Those were the days.
Well, I hope to see you over in Skyrim forums eventually. I'll be there the day the game comes out for sure.