Can we still wear pants?

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:03 am

Sudden thought, I hope they have capes.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:08 am

Why would you want to wear pants? lol
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:07 pm

Sudden thought, I hope they have capes.

Yes, capes and cloaks :foodndrink:.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:28 am

No. You`ll be forced to run around killing dragons in your underwear.

Makes a deal with Clavicus Vile for some flame retardant y-fronts. :flamed:
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:40 pm

The armor isn't the same. In the first pick the front and back are merged like a vest and it looks like leather. In the second picture the armor looks like it's made of metal and the front is clipped to the back.

looks at boots then looks at armour oh its a vest sorry
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:18 am

Suspect it works the same as fallout 3. You wear an outfit rather than a trouser/jacket combo.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:35 pm

This was really one of the most glaring weaknesses in Fallout.

Other than skills, my character never really felt unique to me, as the outfits/armor options were so limited. Heck, even Two Worlds 2 was vastly superior in this department, allowing for custom dying of armor, etc. Clothing and armor plays a huge role in character investment.

Maybe I want to create a bare-chested, cold-resistant, fist fighting monk? Clothing plays directly into role playing. More clothing slots also gives players an actual reason to wear common clothes instead of armor for enchanting purposes, something which will likely never happen if pants and shirts are combined into useless "outfits".
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:59 am

Right, because Bethesda merged every single piece of armor into one single suit, you just put on a suit which covers your entire body, including your head, and it also includes your shield. I guess I just imagined the elven gauntlets, boots and helmets I saw in the demo video that were obviously seperate from the "elven armor" suit, and I also imagined the part in the fan interview where we see it written in plain text that only greaves and cuirasses are merged, gaunrlets, boots and helmets are still seperate, and of course I missed the part where it was confirmed that clothes are also merged. Yep, definitely not a single shread of armor and clothing customization in the whole game, and while we're at it, I should also note that you don't get to choose your race in Skyrim and that dragons aren't in the game.

Judging from what I'm reading here, we can kiss the practice of actually doing research on the released information about the game before criticizing it goodbye, Elder Scrolls fans don't care about it.

Right now, we don't know how clothing works, they've only talked about armor. Though in light of the reasons for merging armor we've been given from Bethesda, I wouldn't be surprised if clothes work the same, seeing as with clothes as well some outfits could also not look right if the pants and shirt are seperate, though to be fair, this could also be addressed by simply doing what Oblivion already did where some clothes came in outfits that took up at least the shirt and pants slots and some came as seperate pieces, depending on what works best for the item in question, but that might not allow for increased variety in clothes selections. Syill, we don't have any facts to go on, just speculation.

Take a darn chillpill. Where on earth did I say it's one suit? Where dude? I said customization is dead, because, guess what it is. What's the point of customizing if you can only choose between different boots, gauntlets and helmets in addition to your armor? Granted its better than one suit, but to be quite honest, it wont be to mix and match armor pieces, it just because beth doesn't have to make an effort to keep it in, like they would have to with some of the other slots they've taken out. And yes it is actually quite apparent with the avaliable information that bethesda doesn't give a giant rats [censored] about armor customization, I personally hope for last comeback in the smithing skill, but I imagine they would've explained that in the answer if that was the case.
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Post » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:17 pm

?f they make clothing merged I will stop using them. Who can say that they don't like to run around barechested and fight with your fists? My first barfight should have been with only pants. But I stand loyal and trust that Beth will understand the players need for clothing customising. I give a (cencored) about the armor, in fact I love it. Do you guys think its cool with a bronze dwemer cuirass and steel greaves? Jeez, sometimes you complainers complain too much...
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