We can apparently get a dragonshout to summon a dragon. Would be so funny, calling it, it flies down blasting fire and looking for enemies and your characters there just holding a piece of raw salmon... "need this cooked".
This. Slowly diminishing the self respect of dragons everywhere. An attack on enemy morale as it were.
To the topic...
I am divided. Yes, companions can be cumbersome and die easily, and they often foul up plans of attack by behaving very simple-mindedly (ie, see enemy, attack enemy, completely ruin ambush). The dynamic single-player nature of TES games makes it hard to install a smooth system of companion control. Fallout produced a fairly coherent system using the behaviour wheel, yet this still leaves a lot to be desired. Games like Ghost Recon and Mass Effect have also produced different methods of companion control, each with varying pros and cons. Bethesda faces an interesting task in developing this mechanic.
However, it could potentially be extremely cool. A companion pet who travels with you through your adventures is a classic idea in role-playing/fantasy tales, and would be a complete delight for the story-goers. Developing a relationship with this pet, commands of attack, enriching the lore surrounding your character, all would be great for an epic tale of role play. If at the very least they are available to have in your home, this would be sufficient.
Final decision: I suppose it would be better if this feature was included, falling back yet again on the fact that making a feature optional essentially supports both those who would and those wouldn't use it. Leave it to the discretion of the player to decide for themselves what they want. This is pretty much what Bethesda are so damn good at.