Is there any way to turn off the "pile of ash/pile of go

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:03 am

When using Energy weapons, critical hits reduce the enemy into a pile of ash or goo. That's nifty, but the trouble is that these piles become permanent. In areas where enemies respawn and where you hunt them frequently (like the Fiend territory), they litter the landscape far too much, and it becomes impossible to tell a looted pile from a not-yet-looted one. To be honest, it's one of the reasons why I've never finished an EW playthrough (the other being the general inferiority of things that go "pew" to thing that go "boom"). Is there any way to turn off the effect and have the enemies simply drop as bodies- or to make the piles disappear when the killed foe respawns the way bodies do?
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:36 am

afaik you can pick up the Bloody Mess perk which iirc will blow enemies apart more often than melting them

beyond that, you can always stop using Energy Weapons :wink_smile:
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:46 am

afaik you can pick up the Bloody Mess perk which iirc will blow enemies apart more often than melting them

Heh. I like the way you think. It might interfere with Three-Card Bounty though.

beyond that, you can always stop using Energy Weapons :wink_smile:

Which is what I usually do. Guns beat the heck out of energy weapons in most situations, anyway.
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Add Meeh
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:41 am

Three-Card Bounty though.

looked up the quest at the wiki. It seems the only penalty for a mangled head is a loss in caps

Dhatri will give you 250 caps per bounty (50 caps if the head is mangled)

Guns beat the heck out of energy weapons in most situations, anyway.

I hear that. Guns are by far my favorite but I do RP with Energy Weapons on my NCR playthroughs as a self-absorbed merchant family heiress who is later estranged from said family and then exiled to the Mojave so she has to get a job as a Courier. She's greedy and corrupt and only promotes the NCR's interests to further her family's energy weapons business looking for contracts to the NCR to fill the gap left by the Van Graffs'-NCR rivalry

Wait, what were we talking about again?
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:38 pm

afaik you can pick up the Bloody Mess perk which iirc will blow enemies apart more often than melting them

beyond that, you can always stop using Energy Weapons :wink_smile:

IIRC Bloody Mess does nothing. I was playing F3 with Bloody Mess and I critical'd a raider with my laser rifle and he exploded into a soupy mess, but then transformed into an ash pile.
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