Perk Fixes?

Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:13 pm

This question is mainly for the developers (however anyone with any knowledge on this please feel free to inform). Were any of the perks fixed in this latest patch like the Ninja, and Cowboy perk? I would really appreciate any information that anyone would have to offer. Thank you for your time.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:07 pm

What's the problem with ninja? I've been seeing that a lot lately.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:19 am

What's the problem with ninja? I've been seeing that a lot lately.

From the wiki
"In Fallout: New Vegas Ninja multiplies your critical chance by 1.15 instead of adding a flat 15%, unlike all other perks/traits that modify critical chance. For example, a character with a critical hit chance of even 25% would have it be increased to only 28.5% rather than to 40% as it should. (25% * 1.15 = 28.75% vs 25% + 15% = 40%)"
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