So I'm moving from the topic that got locked. Tch.
I was just wondering, for all these people not liking Bethesda removing certain things from the game, are you just skeptic about the game? Do you still thinks it looks amazing and fun? Or are you just not planning on buying it at all?
I'm definitely going to buy the game, no question about it. I wouldn't be on here, I don't think, if I wasn't (idk though). :shrug: ^_^
That being said, however, I am alarmed and angered at some of the turns Bethesda has taken just to make things simpler for the devs and maximize their control on our gaming freedoms and style. :deal: Perks I have an
especial concern about, about them being (as many people have said before me and I daresay will continue saying) repackaged Skill or Attribute increases. Example: "Perk Number 5 in Block (do we even have that Skill anymore? <_< ) allows your shield not to be damaged when taking blows! hip hip hoo---"
you mean: "The added "perk" that you would nomally recieve from achieving apprentice (or was it journeyman? can't remember?) level in blocking is now in the form of a
Perk which you can attain through no other way other than using up one of my 50 Perks" (out of 280 Perks total.
50 out of
TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY) :brokencomputer: :gun: :meh:
You know what I say to that? I say: BULLOCKS! (since the actual one is censored) :swear:
They've also fused the armor, which I HATE, severley limiting not only customization options for aesthetic purposes, but also limiting the amount of stuff you can enchant. I don't know about you all but I spent at least several in-game weeks enchanting things. May I also include:
-Spellmaking (probably) :mage:
-Acrobatics (so you can't explore as much of the world as you want to/the game is actually bigger than you think it is! except not)
-Mark/Recall have not been reincluded (which I think is dumb)
-Spells in freakin' general! They pawed their whole damn system off of Fable. If I want to play Fable, then I will bloody well play Fable!
All that said, it looks like an absolutely
gorgeous world, and there are DRAGONS. Which is enough for me to be in the category of, "Buying: However, B!**ing". I'm sure there will be plenty of things I come to love about this game, more that Oblivion or Morrowind, not the least of which is the improved AI/Quest systems, which I much applaud. I'm looking forward to all the lore that Skryim has to offer, and all the adventures and shenanigans ('COS WE CAN MARRY PEOPLE NOW! :celebration: Perter Molyneux and Todd Howard have
so been chilling). So, there are things I will take with much salt (like, amputated wound) but all the same I am very much looking forward to it.