Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:52 am

The biggest fear of all is of the unknown. People are making big assumptions and fearing the worst, although they have not tried the game at all.
I′ve read concerns about simple and futile things as merged armour and such, but my biggest worry of all is the storytelling and if the game is worth playing more than once. Let′s hope gameplaywise it′s worth a second playthrough or more... The rest it′s just peanuts....
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:01 pm

My only concern is the one thing they aren't changing, odd huh?

I was hoping this time around the PC version would get the updates it needed instead of porting over the console interfaces and controls as is. Would also love to see a 64 bit exe so we can use more memory, and better optimization for PC hardware (quad cores and the like). OB and FO were pretty bad in these areas and Skyrim doesn't seem to fixing/changing any of that.

The stuff the are changing/adding are the things I'm most excited about.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:36 pm

1. Attributes gone - a. which means skills govern your strength with a weapon. So with no weapon or with a new weapon and I hit like a baby. I would think skills give you new and faster moves.
2. Elemental Shouts - Kabuki Theater - a. breaks immersion by breathing fire like a circus act. Hopefully I won't be forced to learn them.

1. Radiant Story - Quest will be tailored to my explorations. No walkthrough will be the same.
2. Available Perks - Leaked perks look pretty enticing.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:18 am

I never got a fishy stick. I guess this means I shall grow up feeling unloved, then turn my sorrow into anger and avenge myself in a malevolent manner. :flamethrower: :ohmy:
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:33 pm

I never got a fishy stick. I guess this means I shall grow up feeling unloved, then turn my sorrow into anger and avenge myself in a malevolent manner. :flamethrower: :ohmy:

Be at peace.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:43 pm

My main concern is how many guilds/factions will be in the game. Morrowind had like 13 different factions with long and complete questlines. I also miss the skill level requirements to go up in rank.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:11 pm

The only thing I am concerned about is being able to access my map and journal with ease on pc, because it was an exercise in frustration in FO3. And not much better in OB. Though I am very hopeful in this regard because based on screenshots the map and journal are no longer part of the same tab and seem to have there own screens which makes it far more likey they will get there own hotkeys. Or at the very least it will be better than OB and FO.

Other than that it amazes me how much Beth has created a game and added features that conform to what I wanted. There were so many things I was hoping for when I first heard about SR in December that Beth has included in the game.
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Cash n Class
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:57 am

welcome to the forums, here have a i am sort of concerned about the draw distance, in one screenshot the grass in looked blotchy. but im really excited for better character customization, and im looking forward to seeing how radiant story works.

We were told PC will have better draw distance and textures.
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kevin ball
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:35 pm

Im just hoping the streamlining isnt gonna take away from the replay value. Replayability is huge to me when I buy a game, hence why I play RPG's, and why I still play older RPG's over most newer ones.
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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:05 am

Worried about: How to survive without Skyrim in my gaming life until November

Looking forward to: November, when my pre-order ships and I get the game
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:43 pm

While my concerns are many my largest one is the devolution of character development. The gutting of attributes and turning characters into flat cartoons is huge disappointment.

Looking forward to digging into Modding to see if the game can be salvaged.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:31 pm

Biggest fears, concerns and things that I am not just happy with in general!

#1 Wearable slots will be cut more then in half from Morrowind to Skyrim (allowing me to wear robes over armor would move this to the bottom of the list).
#2 Concerned that there will be no spell creation
#3 Encounters will be forced (no room for taking down/getting around higher level enemies with alternate methods)..... hurt’s my role playing aspect & if you don’t know what I am talking about go back to playing FPS games.
#4 Alchemy will use a workbench system
#5 Enchantments won’t recharge over time
#6 Quest marker on the compass.... I hate it with a passion.... don’t get me started on why!
#7 Alternate fast travel options will lame & will only be implemented to keep people like me from complaining and to not address the issues with Oblivion style fast travel at all.
#8 Merchants won’t carry that much gold & no mudcrab type merchants in out of the way places..... thus forcing us to play the game one way, hurting the my replay factor.
#9 Crafting & Blacksmith skills will only effect the value & effectiveness of your created items and there will be no REAL custom player created items.
#10 Factions/Guilds.... wish we knew more. Hope they are done like Morrowind or FO:NV
#11 I will stop playing Skyrim halfway through my 2nd charactor, due to it not having any replay factor after Beth cutted out a bunch of options & didn’t approve upon the ones they kept nor fully developed the ones they added.

Neutral feelings about

#1 Perks.... Oblivion had perks (not called perks) if you think about, and I didn’t mind them at all. The perk tree sounds an intriguing adjustment from FO3 to me and just might add to the reply factor if done right.
#2 Marriage.... personally it sounds a bit cheesy for a TES game, and I can’t help but think of Fable games, but with that being said I want everyone to have as many option as possible, who knows I might even try it out.
#3 Carriage system, maybe I’ll like it... hope they do a boat service as well.
#4 Attributes being removed.... kind of, maybe.
#5 Races all start off with the same stamina & speed..... a wait and see for me.
#6 Map marker..... I don’t mind it, cause I have the option of not viewing it.

Things I am excited about

#1 Hand Crafted Dungeons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#2 Dragons
#3 Radiant AI, if it actually works this time
#4 Radiant quest, if done right
#5 Duel welding, it’s about time!
#6 3D inventory
#7 Climbing 7000 steps...... sounds so epic, cant wait.
#8 Badass looking armor, Don’t get me wrong I’d still trade off if I could get Morrowind's slot system back.
#9 Destructible environments.... even if it’s on a small scale
#10 As much as I am a gameplay > graphics type of guy, I’d be lying if I told you that I wasn’t excited about exploring the wilderness just to see the sights.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:08 am

I honestly have no "worries" about Skyrim... I'm going to experience and enjoy the beast as Skyrim, not as what my "perfect" game would be... Just relax, everyone, and wait for that glorious moment :foodndrink:.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:01 am

Hehe, "trying to break the ice". Don't ask me why, but I already like you my friend.

Although its been mentioned, my concern as of the moment is that large notification text that pops up on skill gains. :shakehead:
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:59 am

I honestly have no "worries" about Skyrim... I'm going to experience and enjoy the beast as Skyrim, not as what my "perfect" game would be... Just relax, everyone, and wait for that glorious moment :foodndrink:.

Well, while I dissagree with you that we can't complain now, you are right that if you play Skyrim thinking about a different game, you'll think "God. I wish they had this" and you won't enjoy the game at all. You'll just think about what the game is missing.

Kaze actually did a fairly good job with his list. It is very similar to my list :o
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jadie kell
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:48 pm

I am not so concerned at all. At first, I got the feeling that the reduction of skills was odd, but I don't fret. I loved FO3 attributes, skills and perks, and for a comparison, Skyrim will have more ways to customize your character's stats.
Skill Number) FO3 had 13. Skyrim has 18.
Attributes) FO3 had 7. Skyrim has 3.
Perks) FO3 had around 58. Skyrim has 200+.

So overall Skyrim has less attributes, but much more of everything else. It seems that skills and attributes will be more meaningful this time around by the looks of it. ;)
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:49 am

So I'm moving from the topic that got locked. Tch.

I was just wondering, for all these people not liking Bethesda removing certain things from the game, are you just skeptic about the game? Do you still thinks it looks amazing and fun? Or are you just not planning on buying it at all?

I'm definitely going to buy the game, no question about it. I wouldn't be on here, I don't think, if I wasn't (idk though). :shrug: ^_^

That being said, however, I am alarmed and angered at some of the turns Bethesda has taken just to make things simpler for the devs and maximize their control on our gaming freedoms and style. :deal: Perks I have an especial concern about, about them being (as many people have said before me and I daresay will continue saying) repackaged Skill or Attribute increases. Example: "Perk Number 5 in Block (do we even have that Skill anymore? <_< ) allows your shield not to be damaged when taking blows! hip hip hoo---"


you mean: "The added "perk" that you would nomally recieve from achieving apprentice (or was it journeyman? can't remember?) level in blocking is now in the form of a Perk which you can attain through no other way other than using up one of my 50 Perks" (out of 280 Perks total. 50 out of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY) :brokencomputer: :gun: :meh:

You know what I say to that? I say: BULLOCKS! (since the actual one is censored) :swear:

They've also fused the armor, which I HATE, severley limiting not only customization options for aesthetic purposes, but also limiting the amount of stuff you can enchant. I don't know about you all but I spent at least several in-game weeks enchanting things. May I also include:

-Spellmaking (probably) :mage:
-Acrobatics (so you can't explore as much of the world as you want to/the game is actually bigger than you think it is! except not)
-Mark/Recall have not been reincluded (which I think is dumb)
-Spells in freakin' general! They pawed their whole damn system off of Fable. If I want to play Fable, then I will bloody well play Fable!

All that said, it looks like an absolutely gorgeous world, and there are DRAGONS. Which is enough for me to be in the category of, "Buying: However, B!**ing". I'm sure there will be plenty of things I come to love about this game, more that Oblivion or Morrowind, not the least of which is the improved AI/Quest systems, which I much applaud. I'm looking forward to all the lore that Skryim has to offer, and all the adventures and shenanigans ('COS WE CAN MARRY PEOPLE NOW! :celebration: Perter Molyneux and Todd Howard have so been chilling). So, there are things I will take with much salt (like, amputated wound) but all the same I am very much looking forward to it.
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:46 am

My biggest concern is that it's going to feel even more simplified/idiot-friendly/consolized/soulless than Oblvion.
What I'm looking forward to the most is the possibility that I'm wrong.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 7:42 pm

im worried we wont be able to make fishy sticks with the cooking system, just boring old 'cooked salmon'
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Shiarra Curtis
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:28 am

I honestly don't care what they change, Oblivion was a great game as was Morrowind and Daggerfall (Arena, er, not so much. It was great when it first came out though)

If it is Bethesda it will be fun
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:47 pm

i'm happy with everything so far.. i' m just hoping they handle main-quest better then what they did in oblivion.
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:19 pm

my original response when they announced Skryim was "my head just exploded"

now: I don't care about SK any more, most of the RPG elements that I enjoyed are gone, the focus is less about customization, all of my biggest critisisms of OB were ignored completely while some of my favourite things are gone or rumoured to be cut.

I am not going to freak out and claim its going to be the worst TES ever, and I will probably get a copy, used or $20. maybe for the PC: but I won't until I know that there will be mods that will make the game playable for me.

in general, not looking forward to SK much any more.
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