» Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:46 am
Guys he wants effectiveness. The best choice is to never use it, because air stomp by nature is extremely ineffective but amazingly fun. I have had times where I say "I'm going to airstomp this crashsite" when you think that, it's like you are tossing the drunk the wheel to the car. The idea of going onto something with such a risky move that leaves you exposed to die is very stubborn. Usually I catch myself and only use airstomp in the situation where I know that I AM IN CONTROL.
"check the left, check the right... Check the left again, now if I can just make this stomp.... Wait an enemy I need to gun him down oh great now the guy sees me, might as well shoot him and try an airstomp another time."
A typically setup for my airstomp that never gets used.