I'm calling your programmers to account.

Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:18 am

With every new DLC that comes out, I go back to the beginning and make a new character to play through the game again.

With Dead Money it was fantastic. Everything worked adequately, I was given a challenge, I made it through and enjoyed the experience.

Honest Hearts came out: made a new character, ran through HH and DM without a good deal of glitches.

Then the patches started coming out, and now I'm seriously considering just taking the game disc and putting it into the microwave. It certainly wouldn't hurt the game, and might very well help it. All of the big problems I had right after purchasing the game and right before the "Big Fix" patch came out (the very first patch you released) returned - with interest. In the last few days I've walked through a door, generating an auto-save, and had my console freeze. I've opened a dumpster holding all of my loot, and had the game freeze. I've bought items from a merchant, and had the game freeze. I've had save files corrupted. I've had INFINITE issues using V.A.T.S. with a cowboy repeater after just being reloaded, in which the game apparently just strokes off and does nothing while my character is quickly eaten alive and killed by the very things I went into V.A.T.S. to kill. All of these problems multiple times in the course of three to five hours of real-time playing.

This is still not to mention all the other, wonderful programmer errors that have been in the game since day one. Such as creatures being glitched into walls, into the ground, walking on their faces, walking on their backs, and all the other many and sundry problems and difficulties that appear on this forum day, after day, after day, after day...

Tell me something: do you actually playtest these patches before sending them blithely off to ruin our time? I certainly don't believe you do. I'm actually still surprised that any one at Bethesda in the programming department have jobs anymore. If I were your boss, and saw the unmitigated drivel that you've sent out to baffle and enrage the (once) loyal fanbase you've managed to collect, I'd fire you all in an instant.

All of this is not an end-user problem. It's not a platform problem. It's not a hardware problem. It's not a manufacture's problem.

It's your problem.

So fix it.

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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:23 am

To be fair, I believe it's Obsidian who developed the game and are developing the patches and DLC, not Bethesda. But this whole New Vegas experience has left a bad taste in my mouth for both companies and I have already vowed to never buy another game with the Bethesda or Obsidian logos attached to them. I had Skyrim pre-ordered but canceled after all the trouble I've had out of New Vegas. I realize Bethesda is actually making Skyrim but it's a matter of principle. If they are willing to put their name on the piece of crap that is New Vegas, I don't want anything with their name on it.
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:58 am

I've had very few problems on the 360... in comparison to what I hear is happening to others. I've had some freezing. I've had some minor glitches, none that broke the game though. VATS did go wonky on me a few times but I haven't seen that one in months.

Not everybody has the same problems, so I expect that makes it impossible to fix them all.
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