Requirements: Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) v20. NO BETAS
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January 2006 first release of this mod.
This was the first real "Mod" I had ever made. I did a tiny bit of WAD authoring in the days of DOOM. And some Hex editing of other games. But the only other programming I have ever done was a very simple color basic language 4k game 30 years ago on a TRS80 PC. That modest work in color basic was the only way I was able to decipher the script language used in Oblivion today.
This mod changes the combat to feel more like SCA combat, a worldwide historical organization that includes full armor, full speed and full contact western European medieval martial arts. (As much as I am able to do in an Oblivion mod.)
Please see my Web page:
The mod is based on my 30 years of melee tournament and war experience. SCA wars consist, on a good day, of two teams of several thousand fighters all in one battlefield trying to knock each others' heads off with everything from short swords to 12 foot spears!
This mod is made to focus on the psychology and physics of melee combat.
Although I very much favor shield and sword, after finishing the mod and play testing it seems that lighter faster fighters (such as single sword fighters) more often "beats" heavy slow weapons and shield IF the light weapon's fighter was at the most extreme levels of skill in Weapons, Block, H2H, Strength, Agility, Speed and Fatigue. I had believed (wanted to anyway) that it would to be the other way around were an expert with a weapon and shield would beat an expert with say a bastard sword.
If you train your skills up around 75 or more in all the skills I just listed (and you earn them not just cheat your skills up in 15 minutes) you will probably then complain to me that combat is too easy when fighting against sword and shield man even if you only have a dagger.
You may ask "why would I need to earn them, why not just cheat them all up to 75?"
Because there is some player skill needed as well. You will need to learn how to use the mod features correctly. The only way to do this is to earn your skills in game by putting in the play time. This is the part that I hope will keep the player interested even once their character has reached master levels in all their skills.
This mod includes:
- NO MORE BLOCK RECOIL! Staggering and recoil will happen from hits, "short shots" and other combat related reasons but no more "hobbled" attack combos! And being paralyzed (none magical) will almost never happen!
- Dead bodies get bashed to the ground violently instead of floating down thru the air like a feather.
- Locational hits with critical damage (INI configurable)
- Location armor for the head, body and legs. Wearing a good helmet may be all you need!
- Blunt damage will be more effective against light armor.
- Both the player and the NPC can Bob and Weave to avoid attacks. You will consume fatigue based on encumbrance load.
- Enemy melee AI is greatly improved and will also watch for the player's "tells", but this also means you can "trick" them!
- AI settings have been overhauled to attack, block and move more deviously, dynamically and ruthlessly.
- You can now use actual real-life sword and shield feints to land your shots (such as the "rising snap"!)
- BOTH Passive and Active blocking!
- Weapon/shield size matters! Bigger weapons/shields give you more geometric protection. But they also take more fatigue to parry with! The bigger the weapon/shield relative to your body size, the better your passive block chance. The better your block skill, the better your chance to parry. Bigger heavy shields / weapons have the advantage to absorb more damage than lighter/smaller ones.
- Weapons stats are now much more realistic. Weapon hit range is based on the actual model length of the weapon in the game. No more 20 foot long short swords! War hammers do not swing quickly like they are made of plastic. Weapon damage stats are not dramatically cranked up, they are only balanced relativistically with the speed and range of the weapon. This is all done via scripts "on the fly" so even custom weapons from other mods are included.
- Draining your fatigue completely with button bashing will result in blurred vision! ( INI configurable for the players.)
- Defensive Geometry and great timing is now more important than great player speed and reflexes. The angle of attack is a little tighter, so Offensive Geometry is more important in landing a shot.
- Footwork and range games are now very important for blocks and attacks.
- H2H now includes grapple blocks and throws.
- Fighting Giants is now a very scary undertaking, sometimes the only way to live is to run away! (see the crash course document for more tips on combat.)
- Bottle necking overwhelming numbers (such as with doorways) and other such tricks MUST be done or you will die!
- Weapon speed (timing) vs damage is now the second most important tactical consideration. Heavy one-handed weapons take an eternity to hit, but they hit HARD!
- Power attacks now require good timing to land but they do more damage!
- WRAPS This is a shot where you stand very close and swing your weapon to wrap around your opponent's shield thus reducing the benefits of a large shield.
- Short Shots This happens when you hit at the center of gravity on your weapon producing attacks that hit like a mace even if you are using a sword.
- Aiming under their weapon or shield gives a bonus to land your shot.
- If a feint works, the shield or weapon will move out of position right before the attack lands. What this does is give you a view of the opponent being OPEN for the shot as you land the blow!
- Results are based on the attributes, actions timing, conditions and dynamics of the combat not on simplistic dice rolls. This means you can eventually learn to take advantage of the subtle factors in combat and predict your opponent's action.
- All blunt weapons now have a good chance to stagger or even "push over" depending on how heavy the blunt weapon is and how strong the attacker is (modified by his fatigue) versus the target's strength.
- Armor is twice effective against Fist, Claws or teeth.
- Swinging your weapon will use much less fatigue than when your weapon actually hits a target. For technical reasons this feature only works on living targets not things like trees.
- Armor is twice effective against fist, claws and teeth.
-Kick Bash And Shield Bash (the normal shield bash in the game that auto triggers is removed. Now it is manually triggered.)
This is not the Read me file!
YOU MUST READ THE READ ME FILE IN THE ZIP. If I think you did not read the Read Me I may be very slow to help you on any issues.
Real Life Sword And Shield Combat :