Newbie Mistakes...

Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:37 pm

Hi people, after calming down my hysterical rampage and gather the oblivion cd out of the waste I ask here. I have two problems which are for sure just newbie mistakes:

I have no hands after installing hgec and i have yellow markers after installing an overhaul. it seems to be the chests or something. since i'm quite a crack on morrowind i already searched my folders for doubling and tried to install new hands (which failed).

i don't think that my loadlist will help since i only use german plugins.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:10 pm

is it just you who have no hands. npcs. male female. or all of the above. ? becuase from what i understand even the meshes for female are under mesh/char/ male.

did you use the obmm to install HGEC ? and which overhaul did you install. and were the hands missing before you installed the overhaul?

also on the yellow markers you think may be chests. im not sure how refscope works with other languages but its a very good tool for checking what mods items come from. as well as other information. you do not have to have pluggy to use it but IF you do. you can also have an optoin save the information of an object to a note file so you can examine it when not in game. along with identifing which mod an item comes from. it can also tell you if a container is safe for storage. and gives id numbers. its quite handy .
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Post » Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:28 am

Make sure you have BSA redirection enabled in either OBMM or Wrye Bash (whichever one you use).

Which overhaul mod is it? FCOM requires renaming of bsa's to get the correct meshes to show.
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