Today I did a search and there was nearly 174 topics that included the words "will my computer run skyrim". Im here to stop multiple threads showing up, so if you have a question ask it here. I don't know alot about pc specs but alot of people here do so ask away!
P.S check this website to see if your pc will run Fallout 3/New Vegas, if it reaches over the maximum bar, it will most likely will, but this is not 100% accurate, and might mislead you.
Note: I am not a graphical/pc specs genius, but I do know this: because of the limitations of consoles, there will not be a huge graphical need that will make your system need alot more ram or other stuff. So you should be fine with something that can run fallout 3/NV on Maximum settings, skyrim should be able to run. I think the new engine makes things run smoother and optimizes it. Don't take my word for it, but you should be fine, this isn't Crisis 2 or anything. (although I have been wrong before, so if you are unsure ask below)
A thread from someone else who set out some guidelines
Edit: I edited to fix grammer and add more additional useful info
General notice to begin with: at this point the system requirements are not yet known. Anything is speculation and conjecture at this moment. Asking about the requirements can yield an educated guess at best.
- From now on we're going to use this as the system requirement and speculation thread for both PC-systems and laptops.
- People can post questions related to their system in this thread.
- We'll also use this thread for general speculation regarding the anticipated and expected system requirements; be it minimum, recommended and optimum.
- This thread can also be used to ask about possible and potential upgrades that people plan or may want to make.
- Other threads will be closed and referred to this one. Once this reaches 200 posts, we'll continue in a new one and leave a link to the old thread.
- Once the official system requirements have been made public by Bethesda, we can change the topic to 'Will my system run Skyrim?'.
- Since this is unofficial, there are no guarentees and the administration may decide to change the course of this thread.
- We will appreciate it if you could link to this (and any subsequent) thread in new threads people make about hardware requirements. And, that you use the report fuction to report these new threads to the moderators.
Ok, let's see how it goes. :thumbsup:
Thanks in advance.