1. I like how they are getting rid of acrobatics/athletics. They didn't feel right leveling wise in previous games. However, like how they are getting rid of sword/blunt and replacing them with 1h/2h and adding specific perks for each type of weapon; they need to do something similar with acrobatics/athletics. Perks, spells (jump), special items (boots of blinding speed) can be how athletics/acrobatics are handled in this game and it can be much better than before. Running super fast and jumping super high was my favorite part about past games. I loved feeling like some kind of god. I loved enchanting rings with a few seconds of Jump in Morrowind and jumping halfway across the continent in one leap (permanent Scrolls of Icarian flight!).
Some people complain about this stuff. Why? I have no clue other than they like whining. No one forced them to play this way. Since only a bit is known about this game, we don't know that this playstyle will be ignored. It could end up being handled much better than ever before. But it's unrealistic! Really? This is such a sad arguement that I don't feel the people making it are worthy of debating or being apart of the conversation.
2. Vampires and werewolves with specific quests/guilds (enough that it adds depth, like you're living in a different world because of what you have become)
heres hoping they hook up each "archetype". vampires for stealth, werewolf for warrior, LICH for mages

Something like this would be cool. Somewhat like how they have a profession for each archtype.
3. Divergence. I don't want want heavy and light armor to end up being identical end game. I would like choosing to wear clothes instead of armor to actually be a choice that makes sense, instead of a purely detrimental RP only option. You move faster with no armor compared to light armor. Since clothes offer no armor value, they should have better effects on them that light/heavy armor. Wearing armor reduces the effects of your magic (or something similar). I would like to see perks that only work if you are wearing no armor. Why can't they ever get this even remotely right? I would like the races to be different enough that your choice significantly impacts your playstyle.
I think perks will make a big difference if done well like it did in the recent Fallout games. Specialization with consequences adds depth and replay value.
4. Cannabalism! That'd add some nice RP value. I would like to be able to eat somebodies family if I don't like them.
5. I would like some sort of hunter's guild with rare/unique, hard to find/hunt creatures (like the unicorn and white guar in past games). Creatures that would run away if you got close without sneaking up on them. Maybe a creature that was immune to all sorts of damage except for one weakness which you had to figure out...
Hell, I'd really like each enemy to feel different.
6. They need to make the water...you know...interesting. Like with more than 2 types of creatures. It's a magic world. Let's see some awesome underwater stuff. Underwater argonian city? Why not. Sunken ships/treasure...etc (maybe more than 2?). Pearl diving!
7. I'd really like to explore the world of the Daedra...except less like the gates (where everything felt the same) and more like one place would be like the shimmering isles.. another would be like the gates....another could be completely underwater... Each realm would fit the god it belonged to. Maybe there coule be a Daedra city that you could go to and actually interact with.
8. Army of darkness...except less like a glitch, and more about people. Maybe with perks, quests...I could actually field a small group of people and go on raids...(Larger groups coming later in the game...maybe earlier for those with high speechcraft...)
I got a bit sidetracked. However, I am extremely optimistic about this game, and I am normally a pessimistic person. The main thing I care about at this point, and the only thing that an omission could let me down (not nearly game ruining, or remotely close), is being able to run really fast and jump around all crazy like. This could still be in the game and in a much better way than ever before. Of course, it could be completely ignored.