EMENYo i just wanted to make this thread so you could explain your hatred against mine and doomshows clan. And why you consistently insult us. Yet we have not insulted you or annoyed you for no reason. I mean i would happily send any one my XG's clan member to play against you and i have faith anyone of them would win against you. Even our trainee would win against you. Give me a match when ever your free. play against my best members if he beats you. you leave this clan and its threads alone. if you win We will quit....? is that a deal
He insults everyone. Just ignore the idiots posts. He's a coward, he never takes up challenges against people from the forum. Until he takes up my challenge to play against him, I won't take anything he says seriously.
Hey guys, don't you see? This is perfect! We can't even tell which ememy is the real one now, it could be anyone, there's no reason to listen because we can't even know if it's him, just another reason to ignore him!