How?! I just bought the DLC, where do I go to farm etc?
From a previous thread I posted in for tips on making caps.
My Methods:
- Complete Dead Money at a mid-high level. Increases the amount of weapons you can get from containers, more weapons = more money.
^ - - - Don't repair weapons like the Automatic Rifle with the same wapon if you can help it. Get the code for Weapon Repair kits for the Vending Machines. Works just as well. You can get more caps this way.
- Get kicked out of the Sierra Madre Casino. Will net you about 10,000 Pre-War money. At 100 barter thats about 120k caps.
^ - - - Trade in all Sierra Madre Chips after you have all the mods/food/stims you need. Can net you anywhere from 2,000-5000 Pre-War Money. That's another 24,000-60,000 caps.
- Get all of the Gold Bars out of the Sierra Madre. This can net you up to 382,913 caps.
- Complete Honest Hearts at a high level. High level in HH means enemies will tote around Riot Shotguns, Anti-Material Rifles, 12.7mm Submachine Guns, Fire Axes, and other various high value loot.
^ - - -Don't repair weapons with the same wapon if you can help it. Dump the weapons near the entrance of Zion, go out get more, rinse and repeat. The more weapons you have, the more you can repair with Weapon Repair kits. The more you repair with WRK, the more caps. If you do this you can easily net anywhere from 50,000-150,000 caps.
- There is a Boomer in the cornfield that has a half repaired Fat Man and 3 Mini Nukes. Stealth Kill him/her with a silenced weapon, loot the corpse, leave Nellis, wait 3 days in another area, go back to the cornfield, rince and repeat. Depending on if you decide to sell the Mini Nukes or not you can get about 5,000 caps a trip.
- Get kicked out from all casinos (already covered the Sierra Madre). This includes: The Atomic Wrangler, Vikki and Vance, The Tops, Ultra-Lux, and Gomorrah.
+ Atomic Wrangler nets: 5,000 caps.
+ Vikki and Vance nets: 2,500 caps.
+ Gomorrah nets: 9,500 caps.
+ The Tops nets: 10,000 caps.
+ Ultra-Lux nets: 15,000 caps.
+ Total: 33,000 caps.
* You can get more caps if you save, and play slots until you get a jackpot before you break the bank. You can get up to an additional 32,000 caps per casino (with 3 oranges)[or an additional 32,000 Pre-War Money, in the Sierra Madre, totalling to an additional 384,000 caps] except for the Ultra-Lux.
- Go to black mountain at least once a week. You can get Heavy Incinerators, Super Sledges, and Light Machine Guns from the mutants that spawn there every week. Repair with a WRK for more caps.
I use this self made guide, and I do HH while in the mid 30s. I usually walk out of it with 150-300k caps. :whistling: if not more.
Also, sorry if I seem hostile/agressive. It's been a looong day and there's literally been hundred's of these threads. On that note, don't take everyone's rudeness too personally, they're in the same boat (as in, getting tired of seeing these threads), we're usually a nice bunch. :lmao: :sweat:
Also, Welcome to the Forums!
