Dragon Shout Ideas

Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:11 pm

Oh i got one Kamehameha effects you know lol.

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Fam Mughal
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:12 pm

Oh yes, that one as well! Overall, I want more Thu'um and less Dragon Shout in my Skyrim.

To be honest, I call them Dragon Shouts just to be understood by everybody, but Thu'um sounds muuuuch better.

I think there was one what allowed Tongues to teleport though great distances, too. It is also said that they used The Voice as a siege weapon... I suppose they FUS RO DAH'ed the walls.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:13 am

False images:
Level 1: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies but won't do any damage. When hit, they will disappear.
Level 2: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies but won't do any damage. They have some amount of health and it takes a few strikes before they disappear.
Level 3: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies and do some amount of damages. They have some amount of health and it takes a few strikes before they disappear.

Hightened senses (or dragon senses):
Level 1: 30% chance of dodging attacks.
Level 2: 40% chance of dodging attacks and somewhat faster movement speed.
Level 3: 50% chance of dodging attacks, somewhat faster movement speed and the ability to jump higher (perhaps even grow a little pair of wings).

Dragon eggs:
Level 1: Create one dragon egg that will spawn a weaker ally.
Level 2: Create two dragon eggs that spawn two weaker allies.
Level 3: Create one (bigger) dragon egg that spawns a strong ally.

Three little pigs:
Level 1: Open a weak lock.
Level 2: Open a medium lock.
Level 3: Open a strong lock.
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Alex Blacke
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:21 am

False images:
Level 1: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies but won't do any damage. When hit, they will disappear.
Level 2: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies but won't do any damage. They have some amount of health and it takes a few strikes before they disappear.
Level 3: You create five duplicates of yourself. They will attack enemies and do some amount of damages. They have some amount of health and it takes a few strikes before they disappear.

Hightened senses (or dragon senses):
Level 1: 30% chance of dodging attacks.
Level 2: 40% chance of dodging attacks and somewhat faster movement speed.
Level 3: 50% chance of dodging attacks, somewhat faster movement speed and the ability to jump higher (perhaps even grow a little pair of wings).

Dragon eggs:
Level 1: Create one dragon egg that will spawn a weaker ally.
Level 2: Create two dragon eggs that spawn two weaker allies.
Level 3: Create one (bigger) dragon egg that spawns a strong ally.

Three little pigs:
Level 1: Open a weak lock.
Level 2: Open a medium lock.
Level 3: Open a strong lock.

The 1st one no and you can already summon a dragon.
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how solid
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:33 am

A shout to make Dragons flee. Maybe the shout itself is just DOVAKHIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNN and all the dragons are like aw hell naw
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brenden casey
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:45 am

These are looking more like spells than Shouts. C'mon people its a -SHOUT- a very very loud yell.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:16 am

Smoke Breath.
Temporary stuns and blinds your enemy.

Wind Breath.
Blasts enemies away to a far distance.
(Uses out all magicka or dragon magic???)

Stone Breath.
Turns anything into stone.

Acid Breath.

Slice Breath.
Shrap wind that cuts down enemies.

Nice ideas?hmm
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Kortknee Bell
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