40% of the market is still too many to ignore, and that number will only rise from now until November. Most modern games support quad-cores, why should this be any different?
My point was that if the game is optimised to run well on 2 cores, then 4 core machines will not be overburdened. Notice that I said that reasonably efficient use of 4 cores was necessary. That's not ignoring 4 core machines

. Having it optimised to run as efficiently as possible on 4 core machines would be nice, but let's face it, once Bethesda have it using 4 cores reasonably efficiently then as they optimise it for greater and greater efficiency on 4 cores;
1) They run into the problem of diminishing returns, with greater effort at finer optimisation giving smaller and smaller returns, and
2) They risk making it run
less efficiently on 2 cores or fewer.
So I stand by my comments, it should be highly optimised for 2 cores, so that it runs well on 2 core machines, and it should be reasonably well optimised for 4 cores so that it runs
at least as well as on 2 cores, but that getting every possible bit of power from a 4 core machine should be a lower priority.