I had little problems with Fallout 3, but I had to wait weeks after DLC launches to get them because of all of their issues at launch. So, when New Vegas launched, I didn't buy it at launch because I wanted to see if there were issues -- there were . . . a lot. I just recently bought NV about 2 weeks ago and now, as of this most recent patch, the game is all-but unplayable. At first (after the patch), I'd only freeze here-and-there, then every 10-15 minutes, now I freeze less than a minute after load (regardless of save file used) and there's no way in hell I'm starting over.
How can this game--a game of this magnitude--be this broken, this late in its life? Whatever, Bethesda, imo, is as broken, uncaring, and inept of a publisher as Call of Duty's Activision. I think gaming is in trouble and I'm not paying full price to beta test broken games that never get fixed any more.
Fallout was fun, but I quit. Cool story, bro . . . whatever.