I forcibly retrieved the Platinum Chip from Benny and kacked his bodyguards up in the Tops presidential suite. Okay, so far so good. I end up fleeing from the Tops because every Chairman downstairs has gone hostile. Arcade and ED-E wipe out every Chairman down in the casino, Swank included - I never unholstered my holdout gun. I came back a week or so later so I could get the Talent Pool quest and the minute I step into the theater, bullets start flying. I fly out of the Tops again and decide that Talent Pool is off the table. So much for improving my Strip rep that way.

My question is, I know it's realistic (for a given value of realism) for everyone to react that way, but I thought that hostility was supposed to go away after a few days. Is this a glitch of some sort or is it just the way things are in New Vegas as opposed to FO3?