me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxx
Is it possible to make the refrence (the x's) whoever I am combating? This a crucial step in my mod so I need an answer.
me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxx
if IsKeyPressed 20 == 1 ; caps lock me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxxxxx
me.Cast 0100793F
scn PMControlQuestSCRIPTref me ; the controlled creaturefloat xfactme ; position in Xfloat yfactme ; position in Yfloat zfactme ; position in Zfloat xfact ; position in Xfloat yfact ; position in Yfloat zfact ; position in Zfloat height ; position in Z added depending on Xanglefloat speedmod ; how far the player is placed from the creaturefloat direc ; angle in Zfloat angle ; used to set the angle of the fof to the playersfloat Xangle ; angle player is looking - upp and + downshort attackactivated ; is the creature attacking 1short transformback ; used to transfor back to normal 1Short attackingcreature ; is 1 if the creature can attack need to be 1 for attacksshort started ; has the quest startedfloat fQuestDelayTimefloat movemodfloat distancefloat distanceZfloat distance5float distanceZ5float distance6float distanceZ6float distance7float distanceZ7float healthshort runtoggleref sourceref getCombatTargetfloat MORPHcrimeshort movingfloat dist2float distref source1ref source2short activatecounterBegin Gamemode; when quest starts if started == 0 player.addspell PMControlSpell player.addspell SUPERFRENZY set distance to -2 set distance5 to -2 set distance6 to -2 set distance7 to -2 set started to 1 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 StopQuest PMControllQuest endif if transformback == 1 && me != 0 player.SetActorAlpha 1 player.setghost 0 player.UnequipItem torch02 EnablePlayerControls player.addspell PMcontrolAB set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 set transformback to 2 me.SetUnconscious 0 elseif transformback == 2 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 if moving >= 1 && moving <= 9 set moving to moving + 1 me.RemoveScriptPackage me.AddScriptPackage PMControldummyPac elseif moving == 10 set moving to 1 me.RemoveScriptPackage endif if player.Getdistance me > 999999999 set moving to 0 me.moveto player endif if activatecounter >= 1 && activatecounter < 10 set activatecounter to activatecounter + 1 elseif activatecounter == 10 set activatecounter to 0 endif if iskeyPressed 32 == 1 && activatecounter == 0 set dist2 to 70 ; changing distance from player set source1 to me.PlaceAtMe PMControlActivator, 1, dist2, 0 set zfact to me.GetPos z set zfact to zfact + 100 source1.SetPos z, zfact set zfact to zfact - dist if dist < 0 set dist to 0 - dist endif set dist to 89 + dist2 - dist set source2 to me.PlaceAtMe PMControlActivator, 1, dist, 0 source2.SetPos z, zfact source1.Cast PMControlActivateSpell source2 source1.disable source2.disable set activatecounter to 1 endif set xfactme to me.GetPos x set yfactme to me.GetPos y set zfactme to me.GetPos z set direc to me.GetAngle z set angle to player.getangle z if health > me.GetAV health triggerHitShader 2 endif set health to me.GetAV health if IsKeyPressed 13 == 1 ; enter set transformback to 3 endif ; distance from player to morph--------------------------------- if IsKeyPressed 49 == 1 ;1 key set distance to distance + 0.05 elseif IsKeyPressed 50 == 1 ;2 key set distance to distance - 0.05 elseif IsKeyPressed 51 == 1 ;3 key set distanceZ to distanceZ + 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 52 == 1 ;4 key set distanceZ to distanceZ - 1 endif if distance > 9999999999 set distance to 3 elseif distance < -99999999 set distance to -5 endif if distanceZ > 99999999999 set distanceZ to 300 elseif distanceZ < -200 set distanceZ to -200 endif ;save settings for position 5 6 7 on 8 9 0 and return on backspace--------------------- if IsKeyPressed 56 == 1 ;8 key set distance5 to distance set distanceZ5 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 57 == 1 ;9 key set distance6 to distance set distanceZ6 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 48 == 1 ;0 key set distance7 to distance set distanceZ7 to distanceZ endif if IsKeyPressed 53 == 1 ;5 key set distance to distance5 set distanceZ to distanceZ5 endif if IsKeyPressed 54 == 1 ;6 key set distance to distance6 set distanceZ to distanceZ6 endif if IsKeyPressed 55 == 1 ;7 key set distance to distance7 set distanceZ to distanceZ7 endif if IsKeyPressed 8 == 1 ;backspace set distance to -2 set distanceZ to 0 endif;movement animation control for the CREATURE------------------------------------------- if IsKeyPressed 20 == 1 ; caps lock me.Cast 0100793F xxxxxxxxxxxxx elseif IsKeyPressed 9 == 1 ; tab set runtoggle to 0 endif if IsKeyPressed 65 == 1 ;A key me.PlayGroup left, 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 68 == 1 ;D key me.PlayGroup right, 1 elseif IsKeyPressed 87 == 1 && IsKeyPressed 16 == 1 ;W and shift if runtoggle == 0 me.PlayGroup fastforward, 1 else me.PlayGroup forward, 1 endif elseif IsKeyPressed 87 ;W only if runtoggle == 0 me.PlayGroup forward, 1 else me.PlayGroup fastforward, 1 endif elseif IsKeyPressed 83 == 1 ; S key me.PlayGroup backward, 1 else if me.IsAnimPlaying == 1 me.PlayGroup idle, 1 else me.pickidle endif elseif IsKeyPressed 90 == 1 me.PlayGroup AttackPower , 1 endif if direc < 0 set angle to 360 - angle elseif direc > 360 set angle to angle - 360 endif player.SetScale 1.0 if me.getdead == 1 set transformback to 3 endif elseif transformback == 3 me.PlayGroup idle, 1 player.SetScale 1.0 player.setghost 0 EnablePlayerControls player.SetActorAlpha 1.0 set transformback to 4 elseif transformback == 4 player.removespell PMcontrolAB set fQuestDelayTime to 1 player.PlayMagicShaderVisuals effectSummonMythicDawn 1 set transformback to 5 me.SetUnconscious 0 elseif transformback == 5 set fQuestDelayTime to 0.001 set MORPHcrime to 0 set me to 0 StopQuest PMControllQuest set transformback to 0 me.pickidle endifend