» Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:06 am
Well, if you've been using enchanted weapons, how have you been keeping them charged? Trap your own souls, and the cost of recharging your weapons goes way down. Plus you can use charged soul gems to enchant items yourself, if you've qualified for the Arcane University.
To soul trap, you just need to have a high enough soul gem (or Azura's Star) in your inventory, cast SoulTrap, and kill the creature during the duration of the soul trap spell. (Or use a weapon with Soul Trap enchanted onto it.) It doesn't work for NPCs (including Dremora), but it works for all creatures and Daedra. For NPCs you need a Black Soul Gem.
To use a trapped soul, you just "equip" the soul gem (select it in your inventory), and a window will open listing the items that can be recharged. To use it for enchanting, simply select the enchanting altar at the university, and then pick the item, spell and gem you wish to use.