I've read many different role playing stories on these forums and I have to say, many of you guys (and girls) on this forum are quite creative. I've taken many of the aspects of role playing that you all employ and put them into my game/character. I play on the 360 so I do not have the luxury of mods to make role playing simpler, but it still works for me. Here's my idea for my character and how I see her playing out. I just need a little help.
I am almost done with the Thieves Guild quest line and soon I will receive a piece of armor/clothing (trying not to spoil anything although I don't know if that's possible at this point), that will allow me to commit crimes when I have it on but maintain my flawless bounty without it. In other words, it will be my master disguise.
I want to use this kind of as a secret/super "villain".
What I'm basically looking to do is go around killing those that I determine "deserve" to die because of some bad deeds. In other words, taking the law into my own hands. I would do this with my disguise, of course. And again, I assume most on here know what disguise I am referring to, but not trying to spoil it (the Gray ______).
Here's my question and what I need some help with. I would like to sole trap my "victims" which is not a problem. The problem is that I would like to display these sole traps as "trophies" in a secret location but I have no way of identifying them once they are trapped. Being as how I'm not on the PC and can't mod anything, I don't really know how to do this. In other words, how would I "label" a soul trap to know who's it is? Anyone have any ideas of how I might do this?