Will there be buying and selling?

Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:40 pm

I was just wondering if there will still be buying and selling like the other games. I know it might sound like a stupid question "Of course there will be!" but then you think of Mass Effect two and thing "Oh god, what if..."

Also, with attributes gone will inventory still have weight and will there be an encumberance limit? I got thinking about that because of one of my favorite mods for Oblivion, the saddlebags mod. It made my horse much more important than simple transportation because I stored a lot of my stuff in it. And since there's horses in Skyrim I was wondering if there would be saddlebags. But if there's no inventory encumberance I guess it would be moot.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:14 pm

Yes it does sound like a stupid question.

Perhaps the most stupid question of all time.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:33 am

Of course there will be mercantile and trade :tongue:. Also, yes, you will have an encumberance limit, as well as inventory space.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:04 am

of course there will be buying and selling silly britches
and beth has said fatigue determines encumbrance
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Rex Help
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:42 pm

as well as inventory space.

Since when?

I mean, I've seen some people put up threads asking for limited pack size or Tetris Inventory like in Diablo/etc, but I've not seen any comments that they were going to actually do something like that.
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:40 pm

Of course there will be mercantile and trade :tongue:. Also, yes, you will have an encumberance limit, as well as inventory space.

Source linkage for inventory space limit confirmation?
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:51 pm

I guess I should have worded my question a bit more carefully. Will the trade be like it was in the other games? Because I was playing Mass Effect 2 and technically there's trade in that but it's "streamlined". And what with all the talk of Skyrim being "streamlined" I was a bit worried we'd end up with something like that, instead of the buying and selling items we all know and love.

So if that's the case that's good! Thanks for that.

And the encumberance fatigue thing too. All good.

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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:51 pm

Source linkage for inventory space limit confirmation?

There is no source at all. We've seen nothing to indicate anything of the sort. Even the inventory screen we saw at E3 defies it directly.

EDIT: To answer the OP, the backlash against the way they handled it in Oblivion was really, really bad. In Fallout 3 we saw a system that was similar to both the first two Fallout games and Morrowind. If they're not stupid or insane they'll realize what a terrible mistake Oblivion's system was and return to form.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:42 am

I don't recall there being any mention of inventory space limits and I'm guessing there won't be, but inventory weight is definitely in, in the E3 video you can actually see the weight, both the player's maximum carry weight and the weight of items, shown when the inventory screen is shown. And what I read in the fan interview is that with strength gone, it's now determined by stamina. As for whether saddlebags are in, how could we know this? Nothing has been said about it one way or another, but it's certainly possible that Bethesda saw the saddle bags mod and thought "This would be a good thing to put in our game."

And I think it's pretty obvious that trading will be in, but we don't know at this time how it's handled, I'm guessing that mercantile is merged with speechcraft, but how it actually works waits to be seen. Is it like in past games where you can actually choose how much you want to haggle? Or is it just like in Fallout 3 where raising the appropriate skill simply makes your prices automatically higher? I'm sort of hoping for the former as while the latter approach was more straight forward and involved less hassle, estimating how much lower or higher you can make the price before NPCs will refuse the offer added another small challenge to past games which Fallout 3 and New Vegas lacked.

DIT: To answer the OP, the backlash against the way they handled it in Oblivion was really, really bad. In Fallout 3 we saw a system that was similar to both the first two Fallout games and Morrowind. If they're not stupid or insane they'll realize what a terrible mistake Oblivion's system was and return to form.

And how exactly is Fallout 3 more like Morrowind in this area? And for that matter, what exactly was the way Oblivion handled it that produced this "really, really bad" backlash I don't seem to be aware of? If you want to make a point, then you should explain it if it's not immediately clear what you mean.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:59 am

EDIT: To answer the OP, the backlash against the way they handled it in Oblivion was really, really bad. In Fallout 3 we saw a system that was similar to both the first two Fallout games and Morrowind. If they're not stupid or insane they'll realize what a terrible mistake Oblivion's system was and return to form.

The Skyrim inventory looks even worse than the oblivion one. Not only do you have to highlight an item to see it's weight/damage/etc. there's even less items on the screen at once since they decided to go with that shiny fading effect.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:07 am

That is indeed a very stupid question. That's like asking if there will be combat, quests, caves/dungeons, npc's or anything else that's so damn obviously going to be in the game.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:15 pm

I'm not sure I like the new layout. The layout seems "singular," meaning I can't overview many items at once, as I could in Oblivion. I liked being able to have a steel helmet, iron helmet, and a silver helmet lined up with the cost/weight/defense of each equipment. I think the Oblivion layout made dropping/selling items a simpler task than it may be in Skyrim.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 3:21 am

I'm not sure I like the new layout. The layout seems "singular," meaning I can't overview many items at once, as I could in Oblivion. I liked being able to have a steel helmet, iron helmet, and a silver helmet lined up with the cost/weight/defense of each equipment. I think the Oblivion layout made dropping/selling items a simpler task than it may be in Skyrim.

The UI does look like it's going to be a problem. Again. -__________-
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:33 am

Yes it does sound like a stupid question.

Perhaps the most stupid question of all time.

Well, I thought "Will armour be further simplified" was a pretty stupid question until I heard strong evidence supporting what I believed to be the impossible answer.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:46 am

I'm not sure I like the new layout. The layout seems "singular," meaning I can't overview many items at once, as I could in Oblivion. I liked being able to have a steel helmet, iron helmet, and a silver helmet lined up with the cost/weight/defense of each equipment. I think the Oblivion layout made dropping/selling items a simpler task than it may be in Skyrim.

The E3 footage is pre alpha footage, it has already been confirmed that the UI will be much more indepth and have more information, for the full version.
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:56 am

Lol all the ppl being so rude, op even set him self up for it and insted of letting it be you hound it, op it was not a stupid q if you didn't know the answer, some ppl obviously just rude. When the last cnc came out they took out base building and resource management, I'd say they are pretty core changes to the point of it not being cnc like removing magic from tes or like the op said maseffects stuff...itts not like there's 'no' president for major change Holly crap there been minor war one here over some minor changes to tes, let the man be.
I hope the shops investment system has been over hauled that would be nice to actully have control over a little business with radiant quests to make repairs or restock inventory ect buffout the merchant play through a bit.
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Austin England
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:41 pm

Yes it does sound like a stupid question.

Perhaps the most stupid question of all time.

Will there be weapons in the game?

Can I jump?

Is there magic?

I heard there was snow is there snow?

THis one time and band camp... will skyrim be like that?

Can I use swords?

Can I flip the bird?

Is there fire?

Can i set myself on fire?

Can I watch the sun rise?

Will there be fishy sticks?

Will there be naked nords who got tricked by witches and they stole everything from them?

Is the Fan in Skyrim?

How about that one guy in morrowind that went crazy over his ring?
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:46 pm

Stamina controls inventory weight.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:30 am

You guys are all joking right??

They've already said that the UI ISN'T going to look like what it was in the demo, for the final version.

Or don't you pay attention to the interview videos?
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:07 pm

You guys are all joking right??

They've already said that the UI ISN'T going to look like what it was in the demo, for the final version.

Or don't you pay attention to the interview videos?


500 Rad that that was because of the backlash they got.

The thing is, apple iphones are just terrible. They are such a generic old person phone.
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