Potential Sequel?

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:50 am

For those of you who haven't completed the game you may not want to read this.

When you win the final Security mission, if you have completed the story Resistance first then Security, I noticed that the boat in the end sequence is leading to a Ark in the sea, if I'm right, and I don't have a box infront of me to check details but the original Ark was a city in the sky wasn't it? I know I sound dumb and may have put this in the wrong place but that really did get my hopes up about Brink 2 for the future as the Resistance could find it or it could have a completely different 'destructive' team.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:19 am

Uh, far as I know Ark has always been a floating city. Unless you'rereferring to some mystical city that I'm unaware of. I do recall seeing it mentioned somewhere int he game that they had to move the Ark from it's original position at one point due to fear of raiders. If it had been in the sky at that point moving it down onto water would have served ony to make it more accessible. :s
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:57 pm

Uh, far as I know Ark has always been a floating city. Unless you'rereferring to some mystical city that I'm unaware of. I do recall seeing it mentioned somewhere int he game that they had to move the Ark from it's original position at one point due to fear of raiders. If it had been in the sky at that point moving it down onto water would have served ony to make it more accessible. :s

The Ark was originally off the coast of San Francisco. It was moved to an undisclosed point in the pacific ocean when things started getting bad.
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:53 pm

The Ark was originally off the coast of San Francisco. It was moved to an undisclosed point in the pacific ocean when things started getting bad.

Thanks for that, I think I only heard it mentioned in that one Security Mission and I didn't recall a location. Whenever I get my last few Audio Logs I'll probably find it referenced in there. >.<;
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:15 pm

it was moved twice once thing got bad and onther when yet sent a team out to find land

Me i think the person in the boat is the founder women theres too much info about her to not let her make an apperance there even a darkened picture of here in the game book
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