Is PC mods worth switching from console to pc newvegas?

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:04 am


cant you only have like 255 esps active at once thats kindof a limit but yeah,,,, this is an absolute must just to name a few (the names are links to the mods dontcha know :wink_smile: )
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Philip Rua
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:37 am

255 plugins, though there are ways around that. And i believe there was a maximum number of files in the data folder the engine can handle too? Haven't yet encountered it myself, though.

As for the question: yes, i'd say so. It takes some time to learn the tools and editing required even when just using mods to make them work flawesly together, but it is very worth it. My current install has 107 plugins (including both DLCs, no pre-order packs) and a bunch of graphics mods, and it is a much more interesting and challenging gameplay experience.

If I have around 550+ plugins in my data folder just the fallout3.esm/Falloutnv.esm loads. I have to keep ones I'm not using in a separate folder.
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James Wilson
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:43 pm

This is true. I've been using Millenia's retex's for a while now, seriously quality stuff. Speaking of pretty killing tools you ought to check out "EVE" if you haven't already. Adds some gore effects to regular kills and amazing energy weapon crit effects.

Yeah, i've been using that since the first beta. And Millenia apparently won't retexture Energy Weapons, but EVE has them covered. Pretty... :blink:
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:23 am

Some mods are worth the switch, while others are definitely not.

I only use a handful of mods that I made myself, but that's because the overhaul mods that would cover the aspects I changed also change a bunch of other stuff I prefer to leave as-is.

You should take any claims that a mod is 'must-have' with a large grain of salt, since that's entirely a matter of personal preference. For example: a lot of folks swear by the Increased Wasteland Spawns mod, because it greatly increases the number of encounters; myself and a few others, on the other hand, prefer that a desert remain sparsely populated, and thus have no use for IWS.

While I don't use them because I made my own, I would recommend looking into crafting/survival, Energy Weapon, and creature behavior overhauls, since those are some of the weaker aspects of the game. If you're into using Power Armor there are a couple of mods for that as well, although some of those are a bit excessive unless you're also using +difficulty mods.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:04 am

I only use the mods to change up the life in New Vegas. I don't do anything to enhance combat, everything seems fine to me. I have no need for companion mods either, I just get mods that will change up things in Vegas a little. Maybe a player home, or an overhaul on the Strip, things of the sort. To me, it's the aesthetic appeal of the game that truly matters, mainly because everything else seems to be fine.

Of course I've yet to find a mod I would keep. Virtually all of the mods I've downloaded have been removed within a day or so of it's use. Mainly because they don't add what I want in the game. I look for things that are grand, appealing and breathtaking. I like the Bonds series of mods where they add a pretty new beach house, or something like that but sadly they meltdown into nothing but mess of red boxes and exclamation points. I've not kept any of the mods I've downloaded mainly because they weren't what I was looking for. I've tried making a mod myself but it seemed near impossible. The GECK is just so confusing. xDDD

Sorry, I've been ranting. Just my two cents. :3
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:15 am

If someone came in my house and demanded either my 360 copy of my New Vegas or my PC version, I'd fork over my 360 copy. I prefer playing of 360(I prefer controller over mouse and keyboard), however I can't live without Fellout. Fellout makes my experience 100x more enjoyable.
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Rachel Hall
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Post » Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:00 pm

hey is there a certain folder i have to put mods in to play them in game just wondering
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