» Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:22 pm
My courier is Ivan Vroronin, formerly an NCR Ranger (never made it to Veteran Ranger status, so he has something of a fetish for their Black Riot Armor - upon discovering the Desert Ranger Combat Armor in Zion, many orgisms were had) who left the NCR following disagreements with the stationing in Baja. He is proficient with most guns, and is also good with repairing weapons and medicating his fellow ranger allies. He is currently working on writing and oration, as he has found that his weaponry is currently insufficient to combat both House and the Legion, and he wishes to establish an NCR presence on the Strip. He is also an avid fan of the Kings, viewing their ideals as a good thing to work to, and as such is currently working to smooth out the rocky diplomatic problems between them and NCR.
He is wary of Veronica, due to her status as a BoS member, and of Rex, due to discovering his origins as a Legion dog. He favors taking Boone as a spotter as well as a sniper, and tolerates ED-E's presence due to the enhanced sensors that help him spot enemies. Lily he keeps in Novac to watch over Veronica and Rex while he is out, as he views her as a neutral party whom he can trust. Arcade is another neutral party, though Ivan doubts Arcade's weapon skills and mostly leaves him in Novac as well to medicate both him and Boone when they return from missions. Rose of Sharon Cassidy is a valued member of the team, although she is mostly taken for supply runs in Vegas as well as dealings between the Kings and NCR, where Ivan wishes to appear as a neutral party and favoring neither side. Otherwise, she resides in Novac alongside Ivan's other companions. Raul Tejada is probably Ivan's only companion who does not stay in Novac, as he is normally left in his shack, to ensure that he will be available for repairs in the event that Ivan lacks the resources to do so himself. Raul is also occasionally spotted alongside Ivan and Cass, during supply runs to Vegas and during dealings with Freeside.
Currently on Ivan's agenda is the takeover of the Lucky 38 via force. He is amassing a stockpile of weapons, all from various sources across the Mojave, with which to achieve this goal, so that he may move all his companions into the hotel. He views the Lucky 38 as a better base of operations than Novac, as it is located in Vegas proper and is near the action, where Novac is out of the way and requires constant trips back, often tiring and dangerous.