My dream is to see mods come to systems. I hope Bethesda knows how much we want this. As for making it work? I don't know much, hence forth I shant say much..
EDIT: I have a feeling that the only people against console modding are the ones who play on the PC, well some of us have crappy laptops that can't run godly games.
I'm not against it at all. I'd love consoles to have mods so we don't have millions of threads on the subject. Its just not going to happen due to hardware limitations, and I doubt microsoft or sony will want unofficial user made content on their consoles.
I think the closest it could ever get, is the best mods getting ports to 360 and then sold as cheap DLC. And if you have a laptop that you never actually take out of the house, then don't blame me for it...
Bear in mind that console games are made so they are as impressive as they can be. Console games are made so they hit the limit of the consoles capabilities. They are made to be as good as they can be before dropping below 25 FPS or so. Maybe if you have graphics settings on consoles in the future it could be possible though.
If you have a PC, and you have a lower fps than you want, you go buy an upgrade. If your on a console... you wait 5-10 years for the next console and then play the game on backwards compatibility?