» Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:48 pm
To the OP:
I respect the way you're raising your kids. I'm probably the minority on here, but I think good parents really ought to regulate the kind of media their kids are getting into. So keep up the good work, and stay involved. I wish I'd have had parents like you when I was growing up, truly and honestly.
That said, what you're asking for isn't feasible. TES is a game series that, if nothing else, provides a TON of content. So in order to cater to your request, Bethesda would at LEAST have to re-write and re-record a huge amount of dialogue, and that just ain't economical, ya hear? Furthermore, the TES universe is simply pretty mature. You've got the Khajiit, who are basically an entire race of cat-junkies; you've got the Dark Brotherhood who, depending on which game you play, are either a group of professional assassins, or a cult who commit murder as a form of worship. And if the new book, The Infernal City, is any indication, we may be dealing with some sixual themes as well.
So yeah, If I was you, I wouldn't let my kids play it. But to be honest, I don't think kids need to be playing 300-hour rpg's anyway. How could that possibly be good for the development of a young mind?