Black Shrubs/Bushes?

Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:24 pm

So I'm running a lightly modded New Vegas and everything seems to be running great. However, occasionally after entering/existing an interior space all the shrubs/bushes turn into black triangles:


I'd think it's a texture issue, but they work fine most the time. I've also had the interior of a building lose all it's floor textures and just turn back. To fix this I restart the game and it's fine again. What on earth can be causing that?

Here's my mod list, sorted by BOSS:

FalloutNV.esmDeadMoney.esmHonestHearts.esmCaravanPack.esmProject Nevada - Core.esmProject Nevada - Equipment.esmWeapon Mod Expansion.esmWME - Dead Money.esmWME - Honest Hearts.esmaHUD.esmiHUD.esmMikotoBeauty.esmDarNifiedUINV.espBetter Burned Man.espProject Nevada - Cyberware.espProject Nevada - Dead Money.espProject Nevada - Honest Hearts.esppnv.espRBDC - DM.espRBDC - HH - Authentic Burned Man.espLexFONVclothingIPonchos.espLexFONVclothingI.espWastelandCourier.espdD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.espdD-Less Screen Blood Time.espWeapon Mod Expansion.espWME - Dead Money.espWME - Honest Hearts.espWME - Dead Money Arenovalis Retex.espWME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.espNevada Skies.espProject Nevada - Rebalance.espMikotoBeauty.espThe Mod Configuration Menu.espbash0.espTotal active plugins: 35Total plugins: 36

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Quick Draw
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Post » Wed Jul 13, 2011 7:14 pm

Just to rule out the obvious, have you applied archive invalidation to your mods that add textures and models?
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Stacy Hope
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