I went back to an earlier system restore point to get rid of patch 1.9, then when I started the game it forces me to download it. So frustrating! When you stop the download and start the game again it starts to download again, ha, ha.....this is just so stupid.
Before patch 1.9 I played the game with no problems what so ever but now it's almost unplayable. This svcks a bit.
Bought the game because I knew it would run on my machine. Don't get me wrong....it's playable but can't enjoy it anymore because of all the lags, stutterings and "****".
Luckely I've played all the levels up to "Post Human Warrior" but the game is so fun so I want to play again and again and again. NOW I CAN NOT!
I've done everything possible. Disabled this and that. Read everything there is but nothing works.
Can you bypass the patch 1.9 somehow?