2.every game i find major lag
3.host selection
4.host migration
5.easy to hack game, results with many hackers
6.too much recoil on the weapons
7.armor takes time to activate-therefore makes it feel underpowered and not able to use in immediate situations
8. the weapon scar is overused by players and is the gun that needs increased recoil
9. crosshairs are hard to use ( opinion)
10.hit markers sometimes dont work
11.damage detection sometimes fails, results in sometimes you get shot once and you die or your shooting an enemy and it takes forever to kill him
12.melee sometimes hits and does no damage, results in you need to melee a person maybe six times
13.some modules are just useless and some are overpowered
14. this is only with my game probably but aim enhance has no effect
15.Nanosuit is supposed to make you a supersoldier yet it doesent since armor is basically useless
16. in my opinion I would like more modules
17. Larger maps to put vehicles on
18.more color on the weapons, i feel like all the weapons look the same with the ugly greenish and brown color and make more camos
19. proxy alarm audio does not work and have it fully upgraded
20.grenades do too much damage
If anyone has any other issues please post a reply to bump this up because then MAYBE crytek might take a look into it and fix it!