Crysis 2:the major problems

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:52 am

1. there is basicly no weapons
2.every game i find major lag selection migration
5.easy to hack game, results with many hackers
6.too much recoil on the weapons
7.armor takes time to activate-therefore makes it feel underpowered and not able to use in immediate situations
8. the weapon scar is overused by players and is the gun that needs increased recoil
9. crosshairs are hard to use ( opinion)
10.hit markers sometimes dont work
11.damage detection sometimes fails, results in sometimes you get shot once and you die or your shooting an enemy and it takes forever to kill him
12.melee sometimes hits and does no damage, results in you need to melee a person maybe six times
13.some modules are just useless and some are overpowered
14. this is only with my game probably but aim enhance has no effect
15.Nanosuit is supposed to make you a supersoldier yet it doesent since armor is basically useless
16. in my opinion I would like more modules
17. Larger maps to put vehicles on
18.more color on the weapons, i feel like all the weapons look the same with the ugly greenish and brown color and make more camos
19. proxy alarm audio does not work and have it fully upgraded
20.grenades do too much damage

If anyone has any other issues please post a reply to bump this up because then MAYBE crytek might take a look into it and fix it!
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:51 am

1. There is a thing as too many weapons. The current amount is fine in my opinion.
2. That's probably due to your connection I'm afraid, cuz I am not at all having lag every match.
3 & 4. Yeah those needs to be fixed badly
5. Have you ever played Call Of Booty? I'll bet you anything that Crysis 2 has a less percentage of hackers
6. Matter of opinion really
7. Let me put it this way: If you press the power button on your phone, it doesn't start immediately. Just like the armor suit mode shouldn't start just as you hit the button.
8. The SCAR is mainly used a lot because it's a great gun, and it's an all-around good weapon. It's a matter of getting used to other weapons, then you can easily take down SCAR users just as any other weapon users.
9. Skipping....
10. True
11. Sad but true, happens sometimes
12. This I've never had happen to me/against me.
13. It's a matter of which you like and which you are used to. It's different from player to player what modules they prefer and they are all good in each their way.
14. Now, I used to think this too. Until I started looking closely. Aim enhance has quite a big effect actually.
15. Armor is very useful considering it can enable you to be the one going out alive of a gunfight. I haven't used armor much until recently and it is REALLY useful once you get the hang of it.
16. Same as for weapons, already enough.
17. Now that I would like to see.
18. To be honest, I don't really care how the gun(s) I use looks, I only care about how they work for me.
19. Haven't unlocked the module yet, so can't comment on that.
20. Sometimes, yes. But then again, isn't that realistic? This is also the reason you only get 1 per life.

These are my opinions to your 20 problems. Not saying either of our statements are correct, nor do I say everyone agrees with me on all of these.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:54 am

1. Weapon balance is much more important than the quantity, and as of now most of the weapons are very balanced.
2. I suffer the same as I usually have some distance between me and most hosts and I have a poor connection. In my opinion every damn multiplayer game should have dedicated servers.
3. No argue there
4. Host migration only works when host goes straight to dashboard.
5. I have played well over a 1000 matches and cannot clearly remember coming across a single hacker.
6. Burst fire
7. It is certainly not underpowered merely because it forces you to plan out your actions.
8. The Scar is for me the best weapon there is, but the fact you claim weapons have too much recoil, yet want more recoil on the most used weapon makes me doubt your opinion.
9. Not to me (opinion)
10. Now this is a problem I had a lot when I first started playing, but have learned to compensate. There are several times where I have gotten hitmarkers on an enemy without really hitting them, so there is certainly something off.
11. This is most likely due to a bad latency making it seem as if you are dropped in one shot while you are really being shot for longer than it seems.
12. This usually happens if the intended target is standing next to a wall or in a corner. resulting in the melee hitting the wall instead of him.
13. A few of them are next to useless, but most have a use for specific classes and playstyles.
14. Dont use it much, so I would not know.
15. The Nanosuit includes the Stealth as well, and Armor is certainly not useless as long as you use it correctly.
16. It is just enough modules to cover a large amount of different classes and playstyles, so I am happy with the current amount
17. No vehicles, it would ruin the game, and there are several maps that are more than big enough-
18. More camos would be good, but I take little notice of such things anyway.
19. This is probably caused by the lag you complained about earlier, as I very rarely have that issue.
20. No, grenades will kill you withing 5 feet in power, withing 9 feet in cloak, and if you are fully armored, I believe it would have to be directly on you to kill you.

To me, the biggest issue is the bad matchmaking, squads being split up and the failed host migrations anding almost half my matches these days.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:53 pm

I see many hackers and i have found aim enahnce does help but the major issue is lag, its a dominoe effect that creates the bad hit detection and many other things.
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Celestine Stardust
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