... never heard of the brothel but ill investigate that.its such a wierd place its easy to miss stuff.i ....
The Wiki is sort of ambiguous:
"Evergreen Mills bazaar is a cave complex with a bar, shop and a brothel accessed through a hole in the foundry's floor.
From the ground floor, a series of ramps leads up to a raider brothel where you will be greeted by Madame (who is unnamed in the game). A few raider women who are the brothel's [censored]s can be found locked in cells who upon release show their gratitude by attacking the player. "
Is the entrance to the brothel in the foundry or in the bazzar? Maybe I'll go back once more and find out.
So I went back and searched every square inch of the foundry floor. No hole.
Then I went into the bazzar. Searched it carefully again. Thought I looked everywhere. Twice. Then I was looking at the map and noticed that in the NW corner, there was an area that I didn't seem have completely explored. So I went over there. There are a couple of manquins decorated with read lights flankng the doorway. I was about to go up there when I noticed a red blip on my PipBoy. Strange, I thought; I was fairly certain that I had killed all the raiders. Well, a couple of raiders, one with a flamer, attacked me. I took them out and was just about dead. I couldn't remember if there was a bed about. No, there isn't. So I came back and further explored the manequin-flanked doorway. It leads up, through a hole in a wooden floor, into a suite. To the left was a cell with an imprisoned raider (presumably a hoker). To the right is another room with a bed.

So anyway, it's like this: from the foundry you enter the door to the bazzar and go down a hole in the floor. A cave-passage leads East to the main part of the bazzar, platforms arranged roughly in a circular area around a central pillar. Smiling Jack's shop is past that area to the East. And, to the Northwest, off the main central area, and past the manequin-marked entrance, is another hole in a floor, leading up to the brothel. That's what the writer of the Wiki article meant by a hole in the floor.
I have corrected the Wiki article to make it clearer.