The real reason New Vegas crashes so much

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:53 am

I contacted Bethesda regarding the multitude of issues people(I) was having getting the game started and working. The official response, make sure you are ready for a good laugh.

"Fallout New Vegas came out before Windows 7 was released and wasn't designed to run with that Operating System, therefore we have not worked on a fix for issues."

There it is, in all it's patheticness. Look up release dates for the game versus the Operating System. I believe it is about a week apart. And Win 7 had been in Beta for over a year prior. So they designed it to run on Vista? Well that was smart, that system was amazingly stable?

Lastly, this may work for some. Here is what I do to run the game without issues. I have a Radeon based videocard. If I try to run Fallout through steam it crashes every time. But if I go to the first dropdown menu in steam and hit update videocard drivers which are already in queue, it takes 30 seconds to update and game runs flawlessly after every time. No idea why, but it works.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:44 am

Its advertised to run on windows 7. Guess theres a hidden asterisk beside that 7.
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Manuel rivera
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:25 pm

Its advertised to run on windows 7. Guess theres a hidden asterisk beside that 7.

Actually, it will run on Windows 7 (Just like Fallout 3 did) Plenty of people are doing so.

It''s just that both games are very, very iffy about certain combinations of drivers, codecs and applications. And that problem is even more evident on Win 7, which brings its own set of libraries and odds and ends into play.
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:30 am

Yes, Win7 came out before FNV was released but FNV had been in development long before. They did try to make it more multicore and 64 bit friendly (Vista and XP 64 had been out for quite a while) and are continuing the attempt. The fact is that if they hadn't added Win7 and Vista with the XP requirement on the game box then that would have crippled their sales. None of this condones the inaccurate customer service responses though. The irony for me is that having built my high end rig last summer in anticipation of last Fall's FNV release I actually was able to find a new shrink wrapped XP SP3 that I was going to use to dual boot with Win7 but I never needed to (I thought) because I ran FO3 with Win7 64 right out of the box and continue to do so to this day. The same was the case for the initial FNV release until I started adding mods. I realize this is not the case with everyone but if I was Beth I'd change strategies and see what was working then that's not working now and maybe roll back some of the latest attempts at fixes into something less inclusive. I.E. - A patch for 32 bit (if necessary) and a separate patch for 64 bit. It should be doable given the Steam distribution system.

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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:52 am

Yes, Win7 came out before FNV was released but FNV had been in development long before. They did try to make it more multicore and 64 bit friendly (Vista and XP 64 had been out for quite a while) and are continuing the attempt. The fact is that if they hadn't added Win7 and Vista with the XP requirement on the game box then that would have crippled their sales. None of this condones the inaccurate customer service responses though. The irony for me is that having built my high end rig last summer in anticipation of last Fall's FNV release I actually was able to find a new shrink wrapped XP SP3 that I was going to use to dual boot with Win7 but I never needed to (I thought) because I ran FO3 with Win7 64 right out of the box and continue to do so to this day. The same was the case for the initial FNV release until I started adding mods. I realize this is not the case with everyone but if I was Beth I'd change strategies and see what was working then that's not working now and maybe roll back some of the latest attempts at fixes into something less inclusive. I.E. - A patch for 32 bit (if necessary) and a separate patch for 64 bit. It should be doable given the Steam distribution system.

You can never upgrade a family station wagon enough to qualify for a Formula 1 race but you can at least upgrade it enough to get you to the track!

Windows 7 was released to manufacturing on July 22, 2009
and reached general retail availability on October 22, 2009

and FONV was October 19, 2010
Almost a year later.
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Jason White
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:59 am

Not sure I understand your point. Do you think FNV went from development to release in only twelve months? Never mind it doesn't really matter, the fact remains that Havoc/Gamebryo engine is a 32 bit dual core engine and obviously not particularly easy to adjust for today's computers.

One thing that I found that helps is NV Configator - - it has a modest learning curve that is aided by extensive explanations. Give it a try, can't hurt.
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Nicole M
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:41 am

I contacted Bethesda regarding the multitude of issues people(I) was having getting the game started and working.

Yes I know. You told everyone

Is this the second time you've contacted them with the same question?
The response you quote this time differs from last time.
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